Scripting enlarging 2400 10x10 png files to 512x512 Stable Diffusion generated images that look like high resolution cityscapes in the style of Salvador Dali. I can’t get the API to spit out a single image.
Scripting enlarging 2400 10x10 png files to 512x512 Stable Diffusion generated images that look like high resolution cityscapes in the style of Salvador Dali. I can’t get the API to spit out a single image.
Trillium. It works well via browser and reasonably on a mobile browser.
Obsidian is excellent but I can’t install any applications on my work computer and the web hosted version was buggy and slow. If I didn’t have IT blocking me I’d be using Obsidian again.
What I need is a 10g storage for my Adobe suite that I can access from my MacBook. I need redundant, fault tolerant storage for my precious data. I need my self hosted services to be high availability. What’s the minimum spec to reach that? I started on the u.2 path when I saw enterprise u.2 drives at similar cost per GB as SATA SSDs but faster and crazy endurance. And when my kid wants to run a Minecraft server with mods for him and his friends, I better have some spare CPU cycles and RAM to keep up.
Where do you find the bandwidth to do all that? NVME eats it up and the 40g too.
I’m afraid of dumping 500+ watts into a (air conditioned) closet. How are you able to saturate the 10g? I had some idea that ceph speed is that of the slowest drive, so even SATA SSDs won’t fill the bucket. I imagine this is due to file redundancy not parity/striping spreading the data. I’d like to stick to lower power consumer gear but ceph looks CPU, RAM, and bandwidth (storage and network) hungry plus low latency.
I ran proxmox/ceph over 1GB on e-waste mini PCs and it was… unreliable. Now my NAS is my HA storage but I’m not thrilled to beat up QLC NAND for hobby VMs.
I looked at Epyc because I wanted to bandwidth to run u.2 drives at full speed and it wasn’t until Epyc or Threadripper that you could get much more than 40 lanes in a single socket. I’ve got to find another way to saturate 10g and give up on 25g. My home automation is run on a Home Assistant Yellow and works perfectly, for what it does.
Late reply but yeah, Wifi was a nightmare on Proxmox. It was a tiny e-waste SFF pc so I was able to wedge it near the other servers. The cluster is happy.
I had previously run HA on a Raspberry Pi with Z-Wave, Sonoff, and some Hue, years and years ago. After searching for a Zigbee (since that seems to be the current standard and I’m starting over) adaptor that was HA compatible, I saw they offered their own hardware. After 18 months of waiting, I figured it would “just work.” Anyway, I reimaged over USB-C and it’s working. I’ll definitely do a backup before doing my first software update now that I have something to lose.
I had to reimage through serial/USB then the Raspi OS properly downloaded the current image. Thanks for the links getting me in the right neighborhood.
As I recall, when I turned off location tracking my time zone would be wrong. It’s frustrating that you lose out when protecting your privacy.
Upvote for Pebble. It was the best of all time. I could operate the buttons without even looking.
Pebble Time. It was the best ever until the battery swelled. My Fitbit Versa 2 was good until the battery gave out. My latest Fitbit has worse software with less features than the last and I hate it. There are no apps available anymore.
So some news outlets get to protect their precious little articles from the big bad AI, which will probably destroy news as we know it anyway
I was thinking about this. What happens when all the big outlets are having AI write their news?You can’t get answers on today’s news without feeding the model today’s news. Therefore, somebody has to create the data source.
I see a few scenarios:
I’m failing to see where this will go well. Is there another scenario?
When I heard the Fairphone 4 didn’t have any waterproofing I decided to skip this version. My coworker is replacing their Samsung S10 just because the USB port is getting loose but they’re an avid boater. For some, water resistance really matters.
I ordered a 870 EVO 4TB since all the time spent on self hosted has been eating up my NAS storage.
I love Obsidian and have been using that for meeting minutes and study notes and even pleasure reading book notes. And homelab notes but things are always changing and I fall behind. But this is there to replace a shared paper book at the front desk. My users need more drop downs and less markdown.
I use Hue tuneable or RGB bulbs recessed in the ceiling and they’re great. With their switches and a little setup it will turn on the lights to the appropriate brightness and color temperature depending on the time of day. They dim to nearly nothing up to daylight. You just need good bulbs or drivers.