Newer F150s are getting >20 mpg in real world scenarios. That’s better than my Forester.
Probably better to just kill gas motors entirely.
Newer F150s are getting >20 mpg in real world scenarios. That’s better than my Forester.
Probably better to just kill gas motors entirely.
Or is he flushing Twitter down the Xitter?
rare earth metals
Aka common moon rocks?
It’s not really like that. As long as you have a limitless supply of dry air, and a limitless supply of water, it will work indefinitely. If you seal the room, you will eventually hit 100% humidity. If you run out of water, well that’s the end of that. But if you don’t, then you will get cooling that is the result of water phase changing from a liquid to a gas. With a small unit you won’t cool a room, but it will feel nice blowing on you, and it will be cooler than a fan. How much cooler I can’t say. I wouldn’t personally bother with a small unit like this.
I graduated high school in 2004. So many slurs back then. So uncomfortable with them now. Good riddance.
It happens to me as well from time to time. Force quitting seems to make it go away. Some times navigating around within the app makes it go away.
In the pale moon light is such a great story
You’re right of course, but logical arguments aren’t the way with these people. It’s emotional at this point, and that is where you have to meet them.
That’s not how copyright works though. Just because someone else “leaked” the work doesn’t absolve openai of responsibility. The authors are free to go after whomever they want.
I don’t have another phone to compare with other than my older pictures taken of different iPhones. Some parts are better, like sharpness. Overall, I agree that the newer photos look over processed. I’ve been disappointed for a while now.
#55 in the US, and a few spots above the official mastodon app
Because PCs are from a time before tech monopolies. They are based on a spec that allows different vendors to work together. As a result there is more competition, more options for repair, etc.