We’ve finally discovered a solution to climate change that Republicans can get on board with.
Adding to this, AWD gives people a false sense of security and often leads to riskier driving behavior. It’s just like you said, there is absolutely no substitute for knowing how to handle difficult road conditions, anything that extends your confidence beyond your ability is dangerous.
I enjoyed Bullet Train and Equilibrium.
A much harder stipulation is that it needs to be below a 60% audience score, too. I haven’t found any there, yet, but it feels like it’s more in line with the idea that the movie needs to be unpopular.
Always relevant whenever this monster is mentioned:
“Once you’ve been to Cambodia, you’ll never stop wanting to beat Henry Kissinger to death with your bare hands. You will never again be able to open a newspaper and read about that treacherous, prevaricating, murderous scumbag sitting down for a nice chat with Charlie Rose or attending some black-tie affair for a new glossy magazine without choking. Witness what Henry did in Cambodia – the fruits of his genius for statesmanship – and you will never understand why he’s not sitting in the dock at The Hague next to Milošević.”
Never commit more than two crimes at a time unless they’re fucking rad.
My wife and I have already moved our prescriptions away from Walgreens and we never set foot in their stores over their repeated history of bullshit like this. I highly recommend everyone do the same because this is far from an isolated incident.
Unfortunately, their older brother has dibs on the good controller.
The sub’s older brother always gets to use the good controller.
I’m morbidly curious to see what the right-wing talking points will be about this, because it’s going to be an amazing exercise in mental gymnastics.
I also use this for my stuff. I don’t have too open any inbound ports at all or worry about the fact that I’m on a dynamic IP, I just access things over my local IPs / hostnames as though I’m on my home LAN.
I sure hope the sub is okay.
Salt and anything sweet. Salt is a flavor enhancer and can make sweet flavors pop even more.
There’s nothing democratic about the Supreme Court, especially the illegitimate one we currently have.
Considering the Reddit API changes are leaving an enormous amount of mobile dev talent flapping in the breeze, I’m really looking forward to seeing some really innovative apps in the nearish future.
100% agreed on the advice to just start going with it on your current setup. That’s exactly how I started out with Plex and it worked really well.
I’ve since made upgrades, but it’s all been incremental based on what has been helpful at the time. For instance, I got an Nvidia Shield Pro and started running Plex on that, which has been nice since I don’t need to keep my desktop on all the time. I also use it for streaming games from my desktop to the TV, so it’s not purely just for Plex.
After building up a lot of media, I got a bit concerned about having a single point of failure in my single HDD, so that’s when I got a Synology NAS box and I have their RAID setup going for redundancy. I could also just run Plex from the NAS box and I’ve been considering it, but I’ve been really happy with how things are working right now, so I’m not messing with it.
Our cats love hanging out in their carriers unless we actually need to take them somewhere.
Yeah, Cloudflare offers domain registration at cost, which is pretty hard to beat.
Netanyahu has gone on record saying he has helped prop Hamas up in order to sow division between Gaza and the West Bank.
Hamas is now a convenient excuse to further colonize Gaza. Israel knew about the 10/7 attack more than a week in advance.