I’ll add to this because I haven’t seen it mentioned… the fact that you posted here at all is telling. I’m no expert in this subject but isn’t reaching out for help a pretty strong indicator that you don’t want to do it, you’re looking for reasons to go on? Like, nobody really wants to, but sometimes the pain of life is just too much and people feel like they can’t take it anymore. So it’s not that you want to die, is that you don’t want to feel such pain. I’m sorry you’re feeling that way, stranger.
22 is rough. I’m 36 and me and all my friends agree that early to mid 20s were by far the most turbulent time of our lives, emotionally. I hope you’re able to make it to the better years ahead.
I’ve come back to check your profile a few times since you posted, happy to see this comment :)
The replies have grown too since then, I see a lot of good advice and folks who are rooting for you!