more and more people are saying it
Damn what happened in the 80s?
Yeah it’s suffering what happens with a lot of IPs once the actual creative force that made the thing popular in the first place is out of the picture. There’s no clear, creative vision on where to go with it so you get a churn of content that either is stuck in the same time period or prequels. It ends up turning into a checklist of stuff you have to include with each iteration. Gotta put the Super Mutants and the BoS in FO76 even it doesn’t make sense in the lore because THAT’S Fallout.
You see the same thing with Star Trek and Star Wars - Trek is stuck in the TNG timeline and Wars is stuck in the Skywalker era. Even the good slop like Andor is still wedded to the original trilogy.
Spend a few hundred billion on bombs and shit. Whatever. I’m going to need Russia to invade my grocery store and my apartment complex to get any relief.
Sorry I’m a leftist and I’m addicted to purity politics so I can’t vote for someone enabling a genocide I’m just that self-centered.
then perish
Also, iirc, the USSR tried to sound the alarm about Germany rearming to the allies and basically got “fuck off commie” from them before 1939.
No politician is seriously talking about tackling anything like healthcare or housing domestically, but overseas expeditions need money? All of a sudden, there’s a bipartisan consensus that politicians are willing to torch their careers over.
Everyone in the west saw Enemy at the Gates and extrapolated that to the entire USSR war doctrine and by extension, modern Russia.
Blowback incoming…
Well it seems like the iron dome is useless against a near-peer barrage. I’m not surprised though. I did some research on ballistic missile defense and there’s no practical way to stop them once they reach terminal velocity.
Defense is focused on mid-flight interception when they’re moving relatively slowly and even the US’ latest and greatest system for that is ~56% effective. Im order to bring that up to 97%, you need to fire four interceptors per incoming missile and they cost $75M each. A patriot missile is $4M. The US has, in total, 44 interceptors with half in Alaska and half in California. It’s essentially useless against hypersonic glide vehicles and hypersonic cruise missiles.
I thought the point of capitalism was to deliver cheap consumer goods people wanted? Oh what’s that? I guess it was just creating shareholder value all along.
This is giving me a flashback to those US Intel reports of Iraq buying a bunch of PlayStation 2s to build a super computing node or something
In the event of an open conflict, Iran will mine the absolute fuck out of the Straight of Hormuz which is where about 40% of the entire world’s oil supply moves through. It would devastate the global economy.
It’s their fucking Twitter banner
I’m glad that the Biden admin told Isr*el not to attack Rafah, but made sure to load them up with everything they need to do it.
There isn’t a lib on this earth that can make me feel an ounce of shame for not voting for this absolute ghoul.
No real deep cuts or anything. I put on Walk East for background noise a lot.
It’s always a bit wild to see deeply unserious people regurgitate propaganda that you can disprove by doing a 5 second search and bring up a “walking around in _____” video on YouTube.
I’ll watch street walks around various cities in China and make jokes with friends about people being forced to wear Jordans and shop at the mall by the evil CCP.