The movie torched the emotional arcs and beats of the book so badly, I don’t see it happening now.
Don’t tell my friend to shut up!
Thank you - Wesley needed to hear that.
I think you’re thinking of Atlas Shrugged - Neuromancer is literary acid-house and is quite literally one of the best novels ever written. You have to read it about 4 times before you actually get it.
Yup, agreed - that’s what I’m doing in my novels …
They’ve had issues with supply chains forever - that’s why I use Ono Sendai
Kinda like Black Lion going ‘and I’ll form the head.’ Like, didn’t anyone else on Voltron go ‘hey, I wanna be the head today!’
My bad, fixing.
Y Tho?
Content creators gotta eat too - don’t complain about necessary evils.
Has a ‘Smokey and the Bandit’ ring to it.
Dude, Stainless Steel Rat was my jam, back in the day.
And a special episode where Karl Urban executes special guest star Keith Urban
Signed, Dr. E.L. Brown
What joke? I’m missing something
“The intent is to provide mods with a sense of pride and accomplishment for unlocking different mod capabilities.”
By consistently contributing to the sub only ‘to save people a click’ rather than contributing interesting Links of your own, I find you in violation of rules one and three.
No one disagrees that internet news articles can do better in terms of quality and content. However by only contributing what you dislike as opposed to contributing what you do like, you’re coming across as entitled and disrespectful to the spirit of the community.
I give you two hours to find and post a scifi article or item for us to talk about or face a one week ban.
I finally invent something that works!
Roads? Where we’re going, we don’t need roads.
Forget the critics, Asa Butterfield did what he could but they didn’t fully explore the crushing loneliness that Ender felt as a third and ignored the emotional weight that he carried as a result of the Xenocide.