They’re up against the entirety of police forces, the judicial system, and looked down upon by most of society. Quite the underdog, no?
They’re up against the entirety of police forces, the judicial system, and looked down upon by most of society. Quite the underdog, no?
Lucy in the sky with mushrooms
Shoes with build in wifi
A grain of sand, dump it in the ocean
Cost for wind and battery back up
To supply germany for one week you need more than the world’s supply of batteries. It’s hard to speculate on the price of something that doesn’t exist.
Pumped storage is currently the only technology that could make grid-scale power storage work.
What shape is a cat? Every shape
You’re incorrect in both your understanding of energy markets, and my paychecks.
but they allow windfall profits from renewables if they run
Again, you’re basing this on the day-ahead market. A marginal market in terms of traded power volume.
Due to how the pricing is regulated in the market there is a perverse incentive for electricity producers to keep expensive gas plants running
You’re probably talking about the day-ahead market (1). The price per kWh is indeed where bids and asks meet.
Only a small portion of electricity is traded on that market. It’s a marginal factor.
Most is traded OTC, longer term. There’s also the intraday-market. Finally, there’s the balancing price.
That is a naive way of looking at how the electricity market currently functions and is regulated.
I’ve worked as energy trader.
it highly disincentivizes producers to retire their remaining expensive gas plants and invest in better transmission and energy storage.
It is a fundamental problem of technology. Here in Belgium the government started subsidising gas plants, passing the costs on to end-consumers, as they’re necessary for balancing the grid, but unprofitable to run. (1)
As an analogy: it’s like buying a fleet of sailboats. As long as there’s a need for cargo to travel regardless of weather, you’ll still also be maintaining a fleet of motorized boats.
2nd source (Eurostat and European Environment Agency) corroborates the first: https://www.eea.europa.eu/en/analysis/indicators/greenhouse-gas-emission-intensity-of-1
10% of yearly electricity production in France comes from hydro (1)
Unreliable power generation needs on-demand backup generation, typically natural gas based. That’s the perverse effect of renewables: as grid scale seasonal storage is impossible, it increases dependence on gas. In Belgium we’ve even retrofitted jet engines to turbines as kerosine based emergency generation.
Now we’re paying for both the renewables and fossil infrastructure, both scaled to peak power usage. During dunkleflaute, you pay an arm and a leg. When unpredicted clouds or fog appear, you pay emergency balancing prices.
End result: Annualized price is high.
6th highest emissions per kWh of electricity produced in EU (1): 380g per kWh.
US: 370g per kWh.
France: 56g per kWh.
Sweden: 40g per kWh.
That’s confusing cause and effect
Most people at their core are good people
I shouldn’t pursue further education
An umbrella for unreasonable demands from higher up. Good at office politics cause I aint. Presents problems that need solving, without enforcing a particular solution.
I think you might like rustdesk
I was unaware that they needed to physically be retrieved in order to be resurrected.
I always thought of them as a sort of anchor, preventing a soul from passing. Being bound to earth. The horcrux’s physical form or location being unimportant.