This aligns very well with my own philosophy about life, you couldn’t have said it better!
A Reddit refugee
This aligns very well with my own philosophy about life, you couldn’t have said it better!
That’s some exceptional mental gymnastics right there, keep thinking like that and you’ll go far
Both this and ‘you are my sunshine’ just instantly flip an emotional switch for me, I don’t know why they make me want to cry but they just do
Canadian airline being Canadian
This is why critical thinking is such an essential skill. So many people out there are convinced about things with bullshit arguments, just because the person talking is charismatic/confident or popular and influential.
Note: Critically thinking doesn’t mean denying everyone and everything and holding controversial beliefs in order to feel smarter than others, it often starts with admitting your very own mistakes first. Just like with other’s arguments you should be applying the same checks to your own thinking and notice your own fallacies to correct them.
I certainly hope so, but one side (which I won’t name because I think it’s obvious enough) doesn’t seem content with just living their lives, they want to force themselves on the lives of others as well so that the whole country will be just as shitty as they are and then they won’t have to feel so bad about it.
They don’t though, otherwise there would be no need for a justice system altogether. There are “people” out there that have wet dreams of lgbt people being incriminated and women having less rights than men, the rest of society should be protected from them instead of putting them in government positions.
I love how unnecessary it was to the overall context lol
That’s kinda like saying, “If someone pulls a knife on me in the street and asks for my wallet, nothing will happen because killing is illegal”.
Google owns both Chrome and your password manager, at any time they are perfectly capable of pulling the plug on them, leaking data, charging you for them, etc.
People say that the devs are extreme left, though I haven’t seen anything extreme first hand, simply being communist is a very valid opinion but I guess there’s more to it. Besides politics, the project is very nice and promising, and I’ve had very useful feedback from the devs while trying to make a pull request for a new feature.
I can’t take cars like this seriously, I just assume whoever drives them is a total piece of shit
2000 Gen Z, I grew up with them as well during 2013
Can’t wait for the ‘testicular examination’ voting option to be added to Lemmy
I seriously hope that they won’t be able to while they’re warmongering in the east and keep on abusing the Greek borders to the west and claim that Greek lands belong to them. If they stop their bully behavior and play nice with their neighbors then I’ll be glad to welcome them and keep history in the past.
Sadly the only mega project that might save us is getting rid of unchained capitalism
I’ve moved completely to Arch and I don’t think I’m going back. It supports every game I’ve wanted to play up until now except Fall Guys, worst case I’ll set up a small Windows partition or VM for the couple of exceptions that I still want to play
This is pretty standard in concerts, just shove your way through some people to go someplace better
This is exactly the kind of inside joke shit content the Fediverse needs lmao
The world is pretty fucked up, it always has been and so it will continue to be.
And none of it really matters either, it’s all just a tiny flash of light in the darkness that will soon fade away to nothing.
However, here we are, living in a beautiful planet that was blessed with life, so many different plants and animals, sounds, smells and tastes, music and art, being able to talk with others, laugh, cry, love. We’re only microscopic creatures that live on the tiniest spec of dust imaginable, but to our tiny eyes there is plenty of beauty to be found. And for as long as we are able to see that beauty, there is a point to it for us, we can try our best to enjoy what we have for the little time that we have it, before we finally become one with the universe.