Despite that, I have and will donate to Wikipedia and the Wikimedia foundation, because they host knowledge and quite a lot of pictures. And I love it.
That looks cool
Can confirm: 2.8 stars with 2.856.093 reviews in the German playstore at 10:58 15.07.2023
Könnte eventuell als Zweitjob abgerechnet werden.
ich habe nachgeforscht: tatsächlich scheint die Letzte Generation 1300€ fürs Vollzeit Klima-Kleben zu zahlen, voll Versicherungspflichtig.
PS: Ich konnte noch andere Quellen finden, die sich aber entweder direkt auf die Quelle von Focus berufen, oder aber andere Sekundärquellen angeben. Unabhängig konnte ich nichts finden, also mit einem Körnchen Salz betrachten
Ich finde es erschreckend, dass ich in den Kommentaren auch Punkte finde, die meine Mutter gerne anbringt, zum Beispiel:
Wo kommen diese Punkte her und vorallem, sind die irgendwie in Wahrheit basiert? Wie kann man fachlich untermauert dagegen halten? Ich mache mir immer mehr Sorgen um sie, ein Tablet und Smartphone waren keine gute Idee für einen Frau, die vom Leben enttäuscht ist.
Müssen die durch, was wollen die machen, schlecht über dich reden? Machen die doch trotzdem.
Thanks, seems like I finally get to play it officially 😃
American police: they think they know what the law is.
I played the second one ages ago. Nothing more creepy than being a bit of a dick to you people and have a voice whisper your name late at night.
(For those who don’t know: the game would read your username and if it was in the database of soundfiles it would play that whisper at random, but long intervals.)
I saw an ad video for bridge commander on my armada 2 cd, I wanted to play that game so badly, but by the time sales had stopped.
Years later I “found” it online and had a blast playing it.
Is it available anywhere now?
You might want to look at this.
Freelancer multiplayer is still alive and kicking.
I don’t think karma gets aggregate. You just up and downvote posts and comments and that’s it. It doesn’t reflect back on the submitter.
Those points are even more meaningless here. Nothing to gain, but experiences and discussion. Hopefully.
Yes Roberts has brilliant ideas, but terrible sense of scope.
In my honest opinion Star Citizen will never be done, and will eventually run out of money, not soon, but eventually.
To be fair, I have an installation disk and just copied the installed files and some patches to the deck. You need some special fonts I think. Other than that, it has no copy protection so it runs fine without a disk.
If you have the need to nest 5 levels of for-loops, I suggest taking a step back and rethinking your approach, my friend.
Even if that other approach is just refactoring it into separate methods.
Maybe I’m not comfortable anywhere then …
Probably how many people clicked on what url. There are probably some information about those, the more trivial would be from where in the world they are and how they got there (following a link, being redirected or having entered it manually)
More complicated stats would include estimated age, gender etc, if available