@picandocodigo, check out other Zelda videos by TerminalMontage for where it came from.
Lawyer by day, hacker at night
#FOSS + #law + #tea + #gaming (+ #sailing) = ♥
Involved with #LUGOS, #Cyberpipe / #Kiberpipa, #FLA, #REUSE, #SPDX, #OpenChain, Pelican Elegant, (ex-#FSFE), …
(avatar picture: En face stylised round blue bird-like Fly Creature with an oversized head.
background picture: Futuristic cyberpunk vista with a person looking at it. Taken from Citizen Sleeper promo art.)
@picandocodigo, check out other Zelda videos by TerminalMontage for where it came from.
@Entropy, @MetricIsRight, awesome, thank you both.
I still have a set of spares, but once I’m through those, I’ll get the hall effect ones.
My current gripe is to get the right rail to fit tighter so the right joycon does not lose connection. I’m thinking of adding some teflon. (One of the screws’ heads is too worn out to disassemble fully)
@Entropy, do they also feel good? I heard conflicting reports on that part. @slimerancher
@JonDorfman, right, but Hall effect analogue sticks themselves have existed for a long time, so that technology in general (except any novel addition) is (most likely) not patented anymore.
@JonDorfman, I did a quick online search for Nintendo’s JoyCon patents, and interestingly found a US one from 2023 (2020 in Japan) about what looks Hall effect analogue sticks:
@JonDorfman I wonder how they would do that while also not violating patents on JoyCons that I suppose Nintendo has.
I have not checked, but would be surprised if they do not.
@JonDorfman, what legal challenges?
@slimerancher, de gustibus, I guess :) @TORFdot0
@TORFdot0, Phantom is the best character in _any_ Mario game IMHO :blobaww: @slimerancher
@StarServal, you mean patents (not copyright), since it is about inventions.
And there is at least one hall effect controller patent that already expired. It is from 1988, so hall effect joysticks are not a new thing at all.
@arsenics, Yahzee had a review of it, if you’re interested:
@Squirrel, there is a demo, if you’re interested.
@slimerancher, dunno about Tetris 99, but I totally switched to Tetris Effect and love it. That one is still very alive online.
@mattj, I guess you’re right.
I’m probably paralysed a bit due to my main XMPP server being (someone else’s) small instance that’s not very maintained (can’t blame them) and every time I log in I’m literally greeted with hundreds (thousands?) of spam invites and messages.
I should probably migrate to a more active server. Happy to pay/donate for it too.
(I moved my family to #Matrix, but would prefer #Jabber, esp. if self-hosting was easy enough for my weak-ass admin skills.)
@mattj, you are totally right re extensibility & I probably worded that a bit awkwardly (I blame jetlag).
I guess my gist would be:
• XMPP is amazing, but also complex
• complexity ⇒ many clients
• small(ish) user base ⇒ not all clients support full Jabber XEP
• ⇒ choice paralysis or bad experience with first choice
• ⇒ user base stays small(ish)
🐔 & 🥚
IMHO to break out of it, we need critical mass (again).
( using #XMPP / #Jabber since 2010: https://matija.suklje.name/migrating-to-xmppjabber-and-aim-woes )
@privsecfoss I would absolutely love to get back to #XMPP as my main (ideally only) IM, but in time some things made it hard to do so:
- it’s extensible and not all clients support all modernly needed extensions - the #Jabber XEP solves this (on paper/standard level)
- loads of spam - again, tackled by Jabber XEP bundle and clients that fully implement it
- and ultimately, 90% of my contacts there never pop up anymore - network effect problem
@picandocodigo, gameplay-wise seems like inverse Fight’n’Rage. That one was a very fighting/combo-inspired beat’em’up, while this looks more like a beat’em’up-inspired fighting game.