2 days agoToo bad you are not a fan of vim. Helix is a good alternative. But, Helix and frogmouth in tmux is a good combo. Maybe nano instead of helix or vim?. https://github.com/Textualize/frogmouth
Too bad you are not a fan of vim. Helix is a good alternative. But, Helix and frogmouth in tmux is a good combo. Maybe nano instead of helix or vim?. https://github.com/Textualize/frogmouth
It’s all government and schools. You can see the trend for Linux going down and the trend for Unknown going up. It’s pretty much 1:1. Probably just changes in the custom distros they have that Statcounter is not aware of yet. Statcounter will update and things will go back to normal.
The 90’s called and want their specious cliché back.
I hear you. the vi family, even helix (which is an IDE where the vi-like editors are not) takes quite of bit of use for things to just be natural. If I knew a terminal editor like nano but as powerful as VSCode that would be a great option for you. I’m sure it’s out there, I just don’t know what it is. But frogmouth is what you want to review the rendered markdown. tmux with helix and frogmouth is such a simple combo. I’m sure there is a hx/vi-like/vscode alternative out there. I mean, it’s the internet, guaranteed somebody else wanted that too.
Another tip though, since I think most people have never heard of it. Xonsh instead of bash shell. It’s a shell done in python. Then you can drop bash, php, and perl. Just stick with python. xonsh also has a wrapper for running bash scripts too, so you don’t have to redo old work. It’s worth a look to see if xonsh can simplify some things for you.