Use the acronym: BOSS
Use the acronym: BOSS
It took me 10 minutes on Google Translate, but I eventually figured out that this is funny. 👍
I (squanch/marklar/aladeen) this meme format. 👍
I miss the “bone apple tea” subreddit. That and “boot too big” were constant sources of slightly stronger nostril exhalations.
Come on, “Pumpkin Spice” was right there.
Escargot Robbie
Don’t give Tesla any ideas.
Dicks out for Harambe
Tits out for Koko?
One step at a time
First thing I thought of, as well. That scene gave me nightmares as a child.
I’m in my mid 30s, and I’ve been saying it ever since I learned it from an animated series based on the movie Jumanji.
A corolla isn’t as prestigious as an Audi, it doesn’t have as many features for the price as a Kia would have, it isn’t as fast as a BMW or as luxurious as a Mercedes.
After 10-15 years all those other cars will be off the road, most likely due to needing repairs that cost more than the vehicle is worth. The corolla will still be as boring and plain and dependable as it was when it rolled out of the factory.
I loudly bemoaned Toyota’s glacial development of BEV products, but I presume that they ultimately made the right call to release a good vehicle late to market rather than rush to market with a vehicle that would tarnish their reputation for reliability.
I’m happy to wait for a Toyota EV that costs more and has lower "performance " figures than a Korean or American equivalent.
barely held together by alcohol and a thin, icy, fragile exterior
I’m in this comment and I’m totally fine so stop asking.
Sticks or it didn’t happen, OP.
Who’s going to play the cat?
Remy Malik, Ali Wong, or Kate McKinnon?
Wildcard option: Trevor Noah as Balthazar.
It’s plateaus all the way down.
It’s not great, not terrible.
The text of the comment that the link points to is:
“A reminder that Garland was endorsed by the Federalist Society, which is why Obama thought he would be a safe pick for SCOTUS.”
Hey I thought I told you…