It might have always been there. Using the connect app only shows one picture even now, while the voyager app shows both. Weird lol
I appriciate you telling me there’s another pic tho so I checked it in the other app :)
It might have always been there. Using the connect app only shows one picture even now, while the voyager app shows both. Weird lol
I appriciate you telling me there’s another pic tho so I checked it in the other app :)
If you decided to share a close up of the figures in the boat, I would be super excited
These are so cool, I hope your patent gets granted so I can read more about your process :)
I’m into the color palette you choose for this one
Super interesting method of entry. It makes a lot of sense as an attack vector. Steam doesn’t have a very rigorous process for checking what they offer on their platform & most customers don’t check their games before running them.
I’m honestly suprised it hasn’t happened more frequently. I wonder if the amount of press this particular incident is getting will cause steam to change their process for publishing games.
I think this photo in particular got alot of backlash because people think she’s exaggerating her features to look more Asian. Its not super noticeable, but I think people were sensitive to it because ariana grande has a history of role playing as ethnicities she is not a part of. For example her brown face era when she would often use a blaccent and tanned excessively.
Heres a link to a more in depth reddit discussion about her and her shifting presentation: https://www.reddit.com/r/popheads/comments/ahdxyc/can_we_discuss_arianas_skin_tone_and_the/
Also a YouTube video of her very cringe use of AAVE: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=eLOF7Qaklsw
I’ve lived in and worked at a number of co-ops. I think they’re far better for the employee than traditional businesses when implemented in a democratic way. Having control over the workplace and direction of the business is incredibly valuable. It’s also important that the co-op members talk to and know eachother. Having lots of meetings and community building is very typical in this type of business.
Also the type of co-op I’m talking about also returns excess profits to the workers (often with a portion taken out to be put back into the business/saved for a rainy day). In this way they are way better than unions, which no matter how powerful do not fully redistribute profits.
I also think worker co-ops are functionally better than worker communes. Co-ops give much more economic freedom to the workers, and side step many of the pitfalls of live/work communes.
Feel free to ask me more about my experiences if you’re curious :)
Whoa it’s wild that it was commissioned by a company as a way to improve staff morale after a series of mergers and acquisitions. Imagine being worried about your job in an era when job hopping was not common, & you get a smiley face pin from management.
That tech looks super cool & might be worth waiting for, but from what I’ve been reading it is still being perfected and will likely see big improvements fairly quickly after release.
Heres a clip from this article I think is relevent: Teh said the new drives have double the capacity of storage systems using conventional 16TB perpendicular magnetic recording (PMR) drives, and this can be doubled again over the next four years. The company is projecting 4TB platters in the next couple of years, with 5TB coming shortly thereafter, and 6TB out beyond the current roadmap.
So there’s a chance you wait for those drives, pay a little extra cuz the tech is new, then have something twice as good get released a year or two later.
It’s definetly a tricky situation & ultimately up to you and what you want. Do you need that extra storage asap, or is it more of a eventually kind thing? Does new tech have its own intrinsic value to you, or is it more about price per terabyte?
Good luck with your decision! I know how hard these kind of choices can be. You never know what the market will look like after you finally make that big purchase.
There are a number of storage technologies in the works right now. However, I think they will result in a new type of memory device rather than HDDs getting cheaper. Kind of like how a stack of CDs isn’t cheaper now than it was in 2005, rather there are new types of storage that offer more memory and longer life spans.
So if you are definetly going HDD, prices are probably not going to get that much cheaper, if any cheaper at all.
I’d say keep an eye out for sales & that will probably make a bigger difference than waiting a set amount of time.
I would think so. Unless there’s another bald man with musk beef lol
I agree with you in real life, but I do think rogue would play up her bi-ness in a public setting cuz she knows she’s hot & is a bit of an exhibitionist. She’s also probably had a group break up session where she dumps all 6 of her partners at once in a hipster coffee shop then asks for the batistas phone number.
Honestly 100% unemployed becuase we have a good universal income system or something would be great. But sadly it looks like we’re in a different timeline :(
Mesh networks have been made using ham radios! It’s not ready for the general public since you need a ham operators lisence & their range is limited by line of sight. But if you own a large property, you can network your own space using the tech. It’s also a good back up in the case of a large scale infrastructure disruption.
Heres a link :)
I hope you know you’re a gift to humanity 🤣
Yes sir, thank you sir. And this one is bailey’s, and this one is bailey’s a bit bigger, and this one is about as close as you can get to baileys without gettin’ your eyes wet.
I also got immediate ai vibes from the photo