I never play my steamdeck hand held. But boy do I rip through my backlog with it hooked up to the TV.
I never play my steamdeck hand held. But boy do I rip through my backlog with it hooked up to the TV.
I find it weird that we feel a need to protect the elderly from obscenities. When it’s their depravity and rabid lust that brought the rest of us here.
If I was an advertiser for those products I’d be pissed that my ad dollars are going non targets anyway. So it would be a win win
I have also never seen anything of this level. Im just sitting here stunned like I watched a doc about something horrific, but instead it was something wholesome on a level I wasn’t aware was possible.
See lol
Dr.Oetker is an honorary European.
Worst thing about qr menus for me is that when I finally order, I have to give my phone number and address. Bro, I’m sitting across from the kitchen and just want dumplings. Why I gotta dox myself for that?
Ha you could be right. I don’t live in the states didn’t realize GameStop had nostalgia value.
It wasnt really a rally around them but against shadow markets over leveraging themselves. It could have been any company, but the data available was GameStop related.
Streamdeck or steamdeck? Streamdeck hell yeah, buttons switch per active window. Steam deck on the other hand, hell yeah. It’s just Linux. Can you stream deck with a steam deck? Never tried.
Who needs school, college or a living room when you can have a tablet?
About 15 billion USD per year
Thank you! I’ve been trying to get an app to stay open. I thought I was losing my mind. Just set it to allow notifications. Your a legend. I could not find that info elsewhere online.
Udemy has a great piano course that you can pick up cheap (€11ish) if you visit it in incognito mode in your browser it’ll offer you a discount. The course is called piano for all. That’s how I learned and people tell me I’m pretty good.
Courses about how to make money online come down to drop shipping and/or affiliate marketing. But both of those need you to build an audience which is the hardest part, or just flood Facebook with ads, which costs money that people trying to make money…usually don’t have
Picking up women courses. No. Don’t do it. If you can talk to a guy, you can talk to a girl, just don’t be a misogynist or a pushover and you’ll be ahead of the pack. Go to a meetup.com group in your hobby interest and stay casual.
If you want to learn something useful consider coding codeacademy.com or video editing insidetheedit.com . The video editing course teaches some cool meta skills too like how to move forward in the industry. How to handle screaming bosses etc, which in some ways is more helpful knowledge and can probably help(transfer) a little with your dating life too.
Their christ, may still be alive as it’s meant to celebrate his birth. But isn’t whoville all based within a snowflake or something? Like did crist appear in every snowflake? Or are there infinite christs?
I’d say thanking counts as ending language. Don’t let the party end keep them engaged. If you keep viewers on the platform, YouTube will see that as a good sign and push your vids to more people so they can get more ad views.
And I agree, a thread isn’t good enough. But until this place gets pumping, it’ll have to do.
That’s a good assessment. I originally got it because I was moving overseas and traveling a lot. It is fun on a plane and when I stay up at my parents for Christmas for a few days etc. considered it for a mobile music studio, but a laptop is superior. In your case I wouldn’t get it though.