I mean why not? Using flesh as a texture for a fleshy boy sounds perfectly reasonable.
I mean why not? Using flesh as a texture for a fleshy boy sounds perfectly reasonable.
Watching a YouTube video and downloading a YouTube video are the same thing. They are indistinguishable. You can not watch the video without downloading it. Just normally you dont keep the file but each part of the video is discarded a few seconds after you watched it. I dont think YouTube ever went after users who watched pirated content, they only ban the channels that upload it.
Your ISP or law enforcement only see you are watching YouTube. They dont know which video and they dont know if you save it or not.
The system where someone monopolizes a essential good and leverages that to gain power is called anarcho-capitalism and is a whole different thing. In anarchy, ownership on that level does not exist. Neither a company nor a person can own a factory, or a farm, or the power grid. Employment doesn’t exist. People can band together and distribute tasks for a common goal (such as producing a certain good) but they all hold equal stake in all decisions.
Of course a group of people could use violence to oppress other people. But then you no longer have anarchy. The same way a democracy stops beeing a democracy once a group seizes power and doesn’t allow fair elections anymore.
AMD is no problem. Only nvidea (of the big mainstream hardware manufacturers) does not supply Linux drivers.
In fact AMD will most likely make it easier than Intel if something doesn’t work. Intel pretty mutch only thinks about Winows, so if there are driver problems, there are only windows drivers to download on their website (but there shouldn’t be an problems in the first place anyway)
In parts, yes. TV does not have the same ability to respond to your actions. It can’t change the program for you specifically to cater to your individual habits. It can’t create the same feedback loop that social media algorithms have that push people further and further into extremist views.
It becomes a whole different thing when you yourself are a creator of any kind. Sure you can retorrent TBs of movies. But you can’t retake that video from 3 years ago. I have about 2 TB of photos I took. I classify that as media.
That is true for any fandom. Why is being a fan if flavour x software bad but being a fan of flavour x car or flavour x sports team is OK?
If you want to calculate the cipher on paper everything that works on binary will be a huge overhead and basically require you to write stuff down for the calculations. So you need to burn sheets of paper for every en/decryption. So no XOR or anything.
I would go for a stream-caesar-cipher. Find a mathematical formula that you can calculate in your head and that gives you a numbers between 1-35 (or something similar depending on how many different characters you need). The formula must be pseudo random so f(x)=5, f(x+1)=1, f(x+2)=28, … and not loop for a looooong time. Calculate a new value FOR EVERY LETTER OF YOUR TEXT!!! and use that as your Caesar cipher for that letter only (x is the position of the character in the text)
You need to keep track which letter in your cipher text was encoded with which x (write the x of the first letter of each page down) and keep the formula a secret. Never ever under any circumstance reuse an x. So you need to keep x going for every page/message and can’t restart at 1 each time.
If x becomes to large and the calculations to complicated, its better to change the formula than to restart x. Never ever ever ever reuse the same cipher because then you get all the drawbacks of Caesar ciphers (probability of letters, length of words (position of the space character) etc).