Clime change deniers: this is fine
What do you do when a new update comes out and breaks all your mods? I think thats the biggest thing keeping me from jumping back into stellaris. I’ve been playing off and on for years. 3+ times I’ve decided to boot up stellaris, find my mod list super outdated. Spent 30 to 90 minutes fixing stuff. Then like a week later a new update comes out and a bunch of mods break. I stop playing cuz I need to wait for the mods to be updated. Love the game but the constant mods breaking makes playing a game a chore
Thanks for helping make sure I don’t shit myself to death. I assume you help with that.
If this photo is not edited? So you were saying it was edited? What the fuck dude, find a real example of Twitter fact checking being fucked. Don’t make shit up. What are you 7 years? Or a paid troll?
But like nah. There was some evidence Saudi Arabia backed 9/11. No evidence Israel backed 9/11 that I’m aware of.
I know this shitpost and Israel are genociding and doing fucked shit right now. But call them out on the shit they did. Don’t make up shit they didn’t do.
Lol I feel so called out
Every day we stray further from gods light, and closer to Satan’s deafening ass cheeks.
Ty for the info! I wonder why the pain reflex doesn’t trigger?
Not trying to down play the health risk for staring at an eclipse, but dipshit in chief stared at the last one and didn’t go blind. What kind of harm to his vision do you think he experienced?
Does it depend on close you are to the totality? Are a bunch of people going to need glasses after this latest one?
You want nexus mods? You’re gonna want the touch pads. Or even some games that aren’t perfectly supported on handhelds or by controllers benefit from touch pads. They allow you to access to menus that controllers dont recognize
So who are you going to vote for?
And if Trump wins the next election and effectively ends democracy and voting, how will that help move the DNC even further left?
Go nuts voting socialist down ballot, but for this presidential election vote Biden
Tells leftist money and strategists that there are blue voters there, they just need to put the money and time there. Make it so Republicans spend more money in your district next election cycle, which means less somewhere else.
You should already be there on election to vote for reps in congress, state issues, what’s one more mark of a pen for Biden?
Republican spend so much time/money suppressing voter turnout/the ability to vote. If you don’t vote, you’re literally giving them one of the things they want most.
Best I can do is a golden shower
The link didn’t work for me. Can you make sure it works?
More people living at home with parents of roommates, probably mean fewer TVs being sold.
Omg yes! Was going to say this
Would you say it’s similar to burnout?