Music is a good one. Especially electronic instruments, mostly because you can play and record with headphones and it’s easy to get a lot of different sounds to play with.
Music is a good one. Especially electronic instruments, mostly because you can play and record with headphones and it’s easy to get a lot of different sounds to play with.
I’m replaying Ghost of Tsushima. Sure it’s an open world, go-to-icon, action collectathon but it looks beautiful and is punctuated with enough genuine fun to keep me interested. This one and Horizon Zero Dawn as last gasps of the PS4 are much better than they needed to be.
And they’ll meet some vague classification requirements defining what is a ‘car’ a ‘sport utility vehicle’ or a ‘truck’ to skip around certain rules.
There’s also a fun little cheat I’ll do when I’m frustrated trying to create something. I’ll try to ape someone else’s style. See how close I can get to creating an original piece (for me it’s writing and music) that is completely in another artist’s voice. It instantly takes the pressure off because it’s more like an exercise but keeps me interested enough to finish it and see how close I can get.
I always learn a few things; new techniques I might have never tried or discovered on my own, finding my own unavoidable fingerprint in the end result (no matter how good the imitation) is a clue to what I sound like and almost every time it makes me want to do my own very different new thing.
Yeah, between ‘eight inch snail’ and the words ‘parasite rat lungworm’ all in a row I’m pretty much horrified. And if that isn’t bad enough then they say Florida and meningitis. This article is just creepy pasta.
I don’t have a driver’s license and can’t really think of a situation where I’d need one. Seems like a pointless expense.
No no no, fucking no. I didn’t want a cell phone and then I had to have one for work and now they want my biometrics? Every bit of identity and every ha’penny you have must be accessible and on display at all times with this fucked up society. They won’t be happy until we’re all just walking around naked carrying every dollar we have fanned out in our hands so it can be counted faster.
All convenience paid for with intrusion.