I’m so sick of seeing that orange baby bitch
I’m so sick of seeing that orange baby bitch
Here’s a video out there where he’s talking to Twitter devs telling them they need a total rewrite because their stack is too complicated.
Someone gives him the slightest amount of pushback by asking what exactly he means by a rewrite and he cannot give a coherent answer. Someone else asks him to clarify what it is about their stack that is ‘crazy’. Elon gets very flustered and can only respond by calling the guy a jackass.
He knows absolutely nothing about programming.
I can only speculate that in general anyone would be inclined to step away from dumpster fire.
I guess it’s more of a situation where they can’t penalize you if you buy and sell accounts.
But to answer your question, you would exchange your password for money and the account is now theirs with no fear that Valve will ban them for breaking a rule. They have to allow it but are not required to create functionality in Steam to make it easier.
Europeans can sell their steam game.
Vim does code completion just fine if you set up your language server correctly.
Could be monitoring in flight wifi. I have no idea.
Same, which is why I also enjoy sniper and spy as second and third favorites.
I’m willing to bet the revert to carts had something more to do with the switch being handheld and it’s small form than load times. Still a beneficial side effect though.
What a maiden-less thing to say.
Been meaning to go back and play a bit. Maybe an influx of free to play players will bring me back.
You spelled Elixir wrong.
Nah, they charge for that too.
My 5 year old’s two favorite games are “goose game” (untitled goose game) and “cat game” (stray). This is like the perfect blend of both. Instant buy for me.
Two recommendations:
wand bag - so that you can hold every wand you find and figure out how to build mega wands since you have every spell you’ve seen available.
mini map - so you can see where hidden hearts are so that you can have a decent amount of health by the time you get to the second/third levels.
The devs openly stated they were done working on the game and then apparently changed their minds. I’m so happy they did!
Which is why it’s always been bullet heaven