Regrets aplenty after some of the things I’ve drank, but none of them are about Debian.
Regrets aplenty after some of the things I’ve drank, but none of them are about Debian.
The red means it’s not cooked all the way. Better be safe…
How do these things not have unbrickable A/B firmware partitions by now? Even I have that on a $2 microcontroller. Self-test doesn’t pass after an update? Instant automatic rollback to the previous working partition.
Well, then, they ought to drop enough dirt for me to patch it. You think I carry stacks of dirt around with me all the time?
My ringtone has been the same one for the last 15 years, Cowbell Rock. I paid for it twice, once when Ringtone Feeder was a thing, and then again from iTunes. Worth it. Best ringtone ever. Would buy again if I could.
The internet is not ready for me
A little slower by today’s standards, but if your needs are light, it’ll do the job. Keep in mind it only has a gigglebyte of RAM, so its capacity for running things may be limited, especially as docker applications go (since they bring a copy of each dependency). You won’t be able to run something as large as GitLab or Nextcloud, but a smattering of small apps should be within its capabilities
The thing with using the “latest” tag is you might get lucky and nothing bad happens (the apps are pretty stable, fault tolerant, and/or backward compatible), but you also might get unlucky and a container update does break something (think a 1.x going to 2.x one day). Without pinning the container to a specific version, you might have an outage suddenly due to that container becoming incompatible with one of your other applications. I’ve seen this happen a number of times. One example is a frontend (UI) container that updates to no longer be compatible with older versions of the backend and crashes as a result.
If all your apps are pretty much standalone and you trust them to update properly every time a new version of the container is downloaded, then you may never run into the problems that make people say “never use latest”. But just keep an eye out for something like that to happen at some point. You’ll save yourself some time if you have records of what versions are running when everything’s working, and take regular backups of all their data.
I’m not so sure. I seem to be able to find my way around a GitLab project in much fewer moves than a GitHub project. But maybe I’m biased because I use it all the time at work. I know they change the sidebar a lot, though.
There are dozens of us! Maybe we should find or start a siren community on Lemmy. I just don’t have time to moderate, or I’d do it…
I had to close my bank account to cancel mine. I moved and didn’t want to head all the way back to go in person to cancel. They wouldn’t accept a cancel request online or over the phone. Why is it always gym memberships that want to be next to impossible to cancel?
Proud GitLab self-hoster here (for private projects). I’d love for someone to beat GitHub. The hard part is going to be replacing the discoverability and the network effect. I find GitLab to be a superior product, technically, but it doesn’t matter much in the face of GitHub’s momentum as the incumbent 800 lb gorilla.
Star Trek TNG x Minecraft
That could be fun
No more biting down on my tongue or cheeks when eating. Most annoying glitch ever.
The problem child for me right now is a game built in node.js that I’m trying to host/fix. It’s lagging at random with very little reason, crashing in new and interesting ways every day, and resisting almost all attempts at instrumentation & debugging. To the point most things in DevTools just lock it up full stop. And it’s not compatible with most APMs because most of the traffic occurs over websockets. (I had Datadog working, but all it was saying was most of the CPU time is being spent on garbage collection at the time things go wonky–couldn’t get it narrowed down, and I’ve tried many different GC settings that ultimately didn’t help)
I haven’t had any major problems with Nextcloud lately, despite the fragile way in which I’ve installed it at work (Nextcloud and MariaDB both in Kubernetes). It occasionally gets stuck in maintenance mode after an update, because I’m not giving it enough time to run the update and it restarts the container and I haven’t given enough thought to what it’d take to increase that time. That’s about it. Early on I did have a little trouble maintaining it because of some problems with the storage, or the database container deciding to start over and wipe the volume, but nothing my backups couldn’t handle.
I have a hell of a time getting the email to stay working, but that’s not necessarily a Nextcloud problem, that’s a Microsoft being weird about email problem (according to them it is time to let go of ancient apps that cannot handle oauth2–Nextcloud emailer doesn’t support this, same with several other applications we’re running, so we have to do some weird email proxy stuff)
I am not surprised to hear some of the stories in this thread, though. Nextcloud’s doing a lot of stuff. Lots of failure points.
I have an odd obsession with tornado sirens and other civil defense things. The odd harmonies that different kinds of sirens can make together. Cold War vibes, and the feeling of “well, we’re fucked then” when the emergency alert system goes off, only to find that it’s just another ho-hum thunderstorm on the other side of the city. I don’t know a whole lot about the stuff but I’ve spent many hours of many days soaking up videos about it on YouTube.
I miss when all school kids had to worry about was fire, tornado, earthquake, and nuclear annihilation.
I kinda miss the simplicity of Windows 95. Pre-OSR2, the last version before the integration of Internet Explorer, one of the last few versions before the analytics era, where everything you do is collected, catalogued, compiled into data that drives further UX change (which A/B test did the best this week? Cool, now let’s change it up again). The last one where I could reasonably understand every process that was running. And it was even possible to shut almost every one of them off in the name of giving every CPU cycle to the processes that I wanted to run. (Back when 350 mhz was as good as I could get)
That would be the Apple III
Came here to post this.
(And stop calling me Shirley)