Looks like their attempt at a video streaming app, separate from youtube.
Looks like their attempt at a video streaming app, separate from youtube.
The icon is also “different”. One has the Microsoft teams logo in white on a purple background, the other has the Microsoft teams logo in purple on a white background (forgot which and which)
They do the same thing with PowerBI. THe cloud version is one icon, the PowerBI for Reports Server (aka locally hosted) is for the on-prem version. Pretty annoying.
I work with Teams (Business version) daily. Have never even seen the other one.
That’s fair. It seems like pop_os is trying to be a DE, the rest of the parts (kernel, drivers, packaging system of choice etc) are just a means to that end.
I wouldn’t consider pop for its kernel selection and immediately want to install AwesomeWM or something. For that I would just go straight Debian.
I know this thread is a tad old but I’ve been considering a framework for the family laptop for a while. Problem is stocking and this recent 16 model run also had 13 orders run too. I won’t pay for a unit months in advance. It ruins certain protections from the merchant (like failure to deliver).
Instead I got a thinkpad t480 for like 400 bucks. It will do fine as a laptop mostly used for chrome, paying bills or zoom calls etc.
There are third parties (mostly people with 3d printers) selling enclosures to turn an old laptop mail board from framework into a mini desktop.
I think most of their stuff is open source. So the main thing is the barrier to entry to design things like modules etc for the laptop.
What don’t you like about popos?
I quite like it. Having used gnome, kde and even things like awesomwm or other des or window managers, pops de is quite nice
He was. One of the better dogs I’ve ever owned. Was in effect a therapy dog for our other pup that struggles with people. And always more tolerant than he should have been with the kids.
It was a long time coming. He had tumors in his throat and nose and eventually his quality of life suffered too much. Just sucks.
He’s also the first death that hit my youngins hard. My 5 year old has struggled the most. Has some disturbing anecdotes since. Having to choke back your own thoughts/processing to explain it to kids is hard. Harder than I thought
Agree. I just got my invite today. BUt now im…concerned.
Also flipping houses often covers up major issues with “lipstick”, eventually i think this will make them less desirable to buyers, because if they see a house only owned for 6mo-2 years it may indicate some VERY janky bones were ignored to stick granite and hardwood in etc.
Prior to 2008, it was RARE to make any money on a house owned under less than 5 years. If you broke even you were REALLY lucky.
Its a terrible article and a terrible hottake. If hes 31 now, he was likely 16 when the first bubble popped. This is a sign of youthful ignorance imho.
The housing market, especially in Florida and ESPECIALLY in south florida is a giant bubble right now.
This has happened before. The early 2000’s saw a similar bubble that finally popped ~2008. In the early 2000’s I saw a ton of people ditching their careers to get their Real Estate license. Didnt pan out well for them and its not gonna pan out for this guy.
This bubble is a bit different in that its not so much fueled by mortgage backed securities and pushes to get people on variable rate mortgages to they can be pumped and dumped into credit default swaps. This one is much more, at least in florida, tied to folks trying to escape regulations and lockdown from COVID up north and coming down to florida where properties are historically cheaper per sq ft and acre and buying up real estate in cash. But still, its going to pop. Many locals cant afford to buy now, or even rent in some cases as many arent even buying a primary residence here just vacation/airbnb homes. But its still a bubble that will see some major regressions. Especially if the urban sprawl problem gets taken head on (which I dont see happening anytime soon givent he current political climate).
Not to belittle the heat wave, the effect of the water break change doesn’t come into effect o until September. So they aren’t really related as of yet, other than shitty and coincidental timing.
There’s multiple sources mentioning this. But here’s one.
My trait is I think cars are too digital and should be analogue. Giant touch panels are distracting and have generally bad UI design. You can control an A/C with 3 dials, 4 if you have zones and don’t need to look down at all. Pinnacle of engineering.
I will never own a car that has features behind a paywall or that I can’t directly control. Computer cars are fine as long as I have root.
Oh yeah. There was a show years ago called Bomb Patrol: Afghanistan where EOD techs were on deployment detonating roadside bombs. The robot they used was controlled by an Xbox controller and the guy best at the job was their youngest team member because….video games
Same for me. Its aweing what they find, but I totally need “explain like im 5” levels of reduction for it to make sense as to how they go about it.
And even professional ones. Yvette Cendes has posted on Reddit how they interfere with ground based radio satellites.
Starlink is increasing the amount of satellites around earth by a large factor.
500 nm to 2 um (micro).
Mashing subscribe to anything looking interesting and seeing how it goes.
Removing ones that aren’t useful.
It’s worth noting that computer models can help but often start with known data and that may skew the results.
Also, some of the methods we use to find planets are often skewed towards certain types. Most often towards larger/high gravity planets that are also closer to the start aka “hot jupiters”
Is youtube cracking down on gun channels or something? Wouldnt shock me.