This hurts search results for scalpers selling, too. Good stuff.
This hurts search results for scalpers selling, too. Good stuff.
Garmin Fenix 7. Non-OLED model. I get about 17 days. Granted, there may be cheaper options, but since the 7 is discontinued now you can find good deals.
Could be good for Bazzite on desktop maybe?
Yea, I tried to switch to tmux
, but… I’m old. Hah
Until the UPS battery gets low and it beeps, and they look for a way to turn it off vs calling you. Yup.
You can also install directly from Signal via Obtainium.
{"id":"org.thoughtcrime.securesms","url":"","author":"Signal","name":"Signal","preferredApkIndex":0,"additionalSettings":"{\"intermediateLink\":[],\"customLinkFilterRegex\":\"\",\"filterByLinkText\":false,\"skipSort\":false,\"reverseSort\":false,\"sortByLastLinkSegment\":false,\"versionExtractWholePage\":false,\"requestHeader\":[{\"requestHeader\":\"User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 10; K) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Mobile Safari/537.36\"}],\"defaultPseudoVersioningMethod\":\"partialAPKHash\",\"trackOnly\":false,\"versionExtractionRegEx\":\"\\\\d+.\\\\d+.\\\\d+\",\"matchGroupToUse\":\"\",\"versionDetection\":true,\"useVersionCodeAsOSVersion\":false,\"apkFilterRegEx\":\"\",\"invertAPKFilter\":false,\"autoApkFilterByArch\":true,\"appName\":\"\",\"shizukuPretendToBeGooglePlay\":false,\"allowInsecure\":false,\"exemptFromBackgroundUpdates\":false,\"skipUpdateNotifications\":false,\"about\":\"Signal is an open-source end to end encrypted messaging app.\"}","overrideSource":null}
You should have tried Dash to Panel instead of Dash to Dock, based on your preferences. That plus Wintile is what keeps me on Gnome vs Plasmathese days.
To add to this, I run the same setup, but add Continue to VSCode. It makes an interface similar to Cursor that uses the Ollama instance.
One thing to be careful of, the Ollama port has no authentication (ridiculous, but it is what it is).
You’ll need either a card with 12-16GB VRAM for the recommended models for code generation and auto complete, or you may he able to get away with an 8GB card if it’s a second card in the system. You can also run on CPU, but it’s very slow that way.
Good choices. I take this a step further and bridge IRC, Signal, Gvoice, and WhatsApp from a plugged in device or container to Matrix. Then use ntfy for Matrix notifications. This gives me notifications for all of them in Matrix/Element and thus through ntfy.
Example: Instead of Molly I use mautrix-signal
bridge as the device and it feeds messages into Matrix.
There’s also a Telegram bridge:
Firefox (mobile) “Reader Mode” button.
Edit: Sorry to say, it does not spin.
Ice cold insult. Sick burn.
Every time I see this, it reminds me that webp is not good, it’s just better. And that an author of webp likely kept JPEG XL out of Chrome. What could have been…
For those using an Elite controller, Bazzite handles the back paddles nicely (on Bluetooth in the Plasma version).
Your budget will play a role. I 100% agree with people saying don’t get computer speakers if you’re looking for quality, but the catch is they need to be powered.
I did a bunch of research and got the below on sale after a few reccos and agonizing over specs. For reference, previously I have used spreadsheets to tune a room to a flat frequency response with my own custom crossover designs, so… I’m picky.
I’ve been happy with my choice. And since they are fairly portable, they are versatile. Also used them with a Midi keyboard and a portable projector.
Edifier R1280DB Powered Bluetooth Bookshelf Speakers - Optical Input - Wireless Studio Monitors - 4 Inch Near Field Speaker - 42W RMS - Wood Grain (Black)
The implementation doesn’t sound terrible.
So if you already use GPT for day-to-day, it may be a welcome experience. If you don’t, don’t opt in.
I’m skeptical of GPT add-ons, bit at least this was done in a low-bloat opt-in way (which allows Mozilla to bring in revenue (probably)).
Wool, cotton, etc, all don’t need ironing. Just don’t over dry and hang them up right away.
By your reasoning I could use some 24 gauge wire that came with a pair of Walmart computer speakers with a receiver paired with 3-ways each with 10" woofers. Or even better yet, between a plate amp and sub as a fire starter.
I don’t disagree with your overall premise, but it’s too reductive, even for home theater. Throw in a “16ga in most non-sub applications” and only then does it become true.
I was once complimented in a group with “He has the most stars on GitHub of anyone I’ve met, he might as well be famous.” Dork pride for sure.
Others have mentioned the history of the term.
GanersNexus started the trend of the term for this launch (I believe).