I didn’t even know about the others, thanks :-)
I didn’t even know about the others, thanks :-)
sftpgo is a nice project to host files in a secure way without too much hassle.
While I don’t agree with your first point from my experience, the second one is very true. Especially for memory consumption, your typical Java app easily occupies five times as much as something more bare metal.
There aren’t many distro with a base system as tiny as Arch. It’s not a bad choice at all. It’s on my server since many years, working perfectly reliable. Everything except the base system is inside Podman containers. Why not?
I still hoping JpegXL will get some traction. The fact that it was removed from Chrome looks bad but they’ll most likely add it again if it does. It’s by far the best of all of them.
Just use the piped.video frontend.
An offline version of Wikipedia would be handy though.
Once you slightly climb the career ladder, vocabulary turns into marketing bs. Suddenly you most not say “problem” anymore. They’re “opportunities” or “challenges”. So at that level you don’t get “fired” because that would sound bad for the next company you’re going with. You’re looking for new challenges elsewhere. Leaving behind a dumpster fire like in this very case.
I think that’s for LGPL. For GLP any form of linking requires the code to be licensed under GPL, too. The dynamic linking except isn’t that bad of you think about it. It gives you the freedom to update or replace the library at any time. For security critical libs (TLS, GPG, …) that’s a big plus.
Du musst verstehen, man kann nicht für jedes Gesetz den Schutz der Kinder als Begründung nehmen. Die sind im Moment schon durch die Untergrabung der Verschlüsselung belegt. Außerdem haben diese Kinder nicht die FDP gewählt, sind also selbst Schuld dass diese sie nicht vertritt. Am wahrscheinlichsten hat aber einfach ein Pro-Zigaretten-“Lobbyverein” ein paar Scheinchen springen lassen.
The “effective due” is probably even negative because the extra money they’ll fight for will be more than the due.
They also knew they shouldn’t give him a keyboard because he’d crash that thing in no time while bragging about how much he knows about IT and all the FANG tech leads who told him how knowledgeable he is.
GPS location please.
Obviously I don’t want to know it but be sure there’s hundreds of Google employees that can freely access it.
No trash, happy people, everyone minding their own business. That must really piss of the conservatives.
Not a remake but I think another addon for Diablo 2 would still be awesome.
He might have convinced himself already. That doesn’t change the facts though.
Usually a “call to arms” is where freedom of speech ends.
Crazy of you think about it. Kind of sad actually.
I second this. People usually recommend Ubuntu for beginners which I can somewhat understand because it’s super easy to get started. But the downside is that you’ll most likely stay a beginner and don’t understand the absolute basics of a Linux based OS because, well, most of the time you don’t have to. Then you make a beginner’s mistake once and there you go.
Solange rechzeitig vor der nächsten Wahl neue Lügen und leere Versprechungen aufgetischt werden und es zur Wiederwahl reicht hat es seinen Zweck doch erfüllt. Dass Wähler ihre Entscheidung mal vom Verhalten in der Vergangenheit abhängig machen anstatt von Marketing-/Propagandablabla auf bunten Plakaten ist ja bisher noch nicht unbedingt eingetreten.