Gay sex isn’t woke. Bragging about having gay sex is.
Gay sex isn’t woke. Bragging about having gay sex is.
Perhaps the young bro wants to play the fool
Thats what old people do!
Yes and no. I don’t feel as alone in liking my little hobbies. On the other hand paranoid schizophrenics can collaborate on flat earth or what ever they are doing these days.
Does it run well on the steam deck yet?
Horray! More marketing!
Now do truth social!
For now there are the books and house rules. I don’t regret canceling beyond one bit
If I’m going to have a sexy maid robot she needs to fold laundry and clean litterboxes too.
I would use the touchscreen in that case.
Not the OP but for me it takes like 4 times longer to use the tuch screen. Find the button for what i want. Do you want to super-sized? Do you want fries with that? How are you paying today? Blah blah blah whereas with the counter its me saying one sentence and them pushing 2 buttons.
I would hope he does something like the patagonia guy did.
Oracle databases are not allowed to run in the Google cloud because of ceo drama
Bye Felicia!
( ͡ᵔ ͜ʖ ͡ᵔ )
I’m pretty sure you’re talking out your ass.
Actually, you should check out a little documentary called The Toxic Avenger.
Not all things need to be the same?
And fear. They are bullies who want to be feared.
Does he still count as a comedian? He isn’t really funny