Just going to mention that if you’re okay with non-FOSS office software, I really like Softmaker’s suite (their buy-once non-subscription version).
Just going to mention that if you’re okay with non-FOSS office software, I really like Softmaker’s suite (their buy-once non-subscription version).
Only works if your adversaries also cut military spending. Unfortunately countries like Russia have shown that they’ll happily attack those unable to defend themselves. This also means that increased military spending can cause less war if it deters those who would otherwise attack.
Not at all surprising. ChatGPT ‘knows’ a course’s content insofar as it’s memorized the textbook and all the exam questions. Once you start asking it questions it’s never seen before (more likely for advanced topics that don’t have a billion study guides and tutorials for) it falls short, even for basic questions that’d just require a bit of additional logic.
Mind you, memorizing everything is impressive and can get you a degree, but when tasked with a new problem never seen before ChatGPT is completely inadequate.
Nobody else here has mentioned this but they stripped out all the web plugin support and tooling with no way to install it, even for paying customers. So if you’re working on some kind of web application (perhaps compiling Rust to webassembly, like me) RustRover won’t support your use case.
I hadn’t read this exact article but still commented because I’ve read about the same events in other publications.
I read somewhere that people who fork over money for a special visa to Saudis Arabia have access to air conditioned stations along the way. Most likely the Egyptians are doing it unofficially, which is likely easier to get away being in the general region already.
I both agree and disagree. I agree that there isn’t going to be a single ‘straw’, because everyone’s thresholds are different. For me it was back when Microsoft auto-upgraded my PC to Win 8, which was also when they started putting in hard-to-disable telemetry and bad UI. It sounds like Recall is the threshold for some other people.
Also don’t discount that MS’ market share is dominated by a ton of corporate users (who lack a choice) and casual users (who don’t care / are unaware), but at least anecdotally they’ve been losing the power users in my life, which if true in general which will have negative downstream effects for them moving forward (IT departments working to support alternatives, software developers refusing to build on Windows Server / MS software stack, etc.)
That just means the DDOSer is taking Internet Archive down without any further work required.
Lol I’m neither Graeme Wood nor am I associated with Israel in any way. At the start of this conflict I was much more pro-Israel but it’s been clear that they don’t care one iota about minimizing civilian causalities (or worse, they do care but in the opposite direction). But being anti-Hamas doesn’t make you pro-Israel - sometimes there are conflicts where both armed sides absolutely suck and civilians are stuck in the middle, and this is one of them.
Paywalled, but the word does have some subtle sexual connotations: https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2024/05/israel-hamas-female-captives-sabaya-translation/678505/
EDIT: Try this link
I’m not sure that math works? They earned $460M in profit for Q1, so that’s about $1.84B in profit over a year. Divide that by 39 million people in Canada and you have $47 per person, which is nowhere near $300 per person plus $1B.
Still obscene profit margins, but let’s do the math correctly.
Looks like Microsoft needs to further enhance the consumer experience by adding more personalized product recommendations, that’ll fix it right up!
I mean the sale agreement could require the buyer to never expand outside the US.
I’m referring to the the Charter of Rights and Freedoms from 1982. But yes there is still a lot of unwritten rules too like the UK.
The UK system has the concept that Parliament is the ultimate authority of matters. So courts there interpret laws but are unable to reject them.
Canada on the other hand has a constitution which lists different rights that people have, and Parliament has no authority to take away some of these rights. There is some controversial leeway with some of the rights where Parliament, using the ‘Notwithstanding clause’, is allowed to temporarily ignore some sections of the Constitution, but they have to keep renewing that every several years or else it expires, and it can’t be applied to some rights like voting rights.
Regarding this specific law I’m unsure of whether there’s anything in our constitution that would prevent deporting irregular migrants to a third country.
My sister (parents’ cat) is great at communicating. She’ll get your attention and then lead you to whatever she wants. The door to go outside, the food drawer for treats, the bathtub for running water, and to her toys if she wants to play.
Sometimes she likes to steal my dad’s office chair; for that she’ll lead him out of the room as if she wanted something else and then run back in to claim the now-vacant chair. Or she just jumps up and wedges him off :D
Please be specific about this being the UK’s democracy and not democracy in general. In Canada for example courts are stronger and it would be much more difficult (albeit not impossible) for our Parliament to do something like this.
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Imagine you’re playing Skyrim and while reading one of the books your TV covers up the content with an ad! That would be infuriating!
I think as a young child I had a banana flavoured oral antibiotic drink drug for an ear infection.