Wish I had the kind of money that can buy an Indycar seat with the best team after only managing to finish 10th in Indy NXT points and 6th of HMD.
Big movie and auto racing nerd, love to read (especially genre books like horror and sci-fi), sometimes write poetry.
Wish I had the kind of money that can buy an Indycar seat with the best team after only managing to finish 10th in Indy NXT points and 6th of HMD.
Tbh, it makes the announcement a while back that they would no longer be employing pay drivers a lot less impressive if they just eliminate a car rather than take one on. If those were the two choices, I would have just hired David Malukas, he’s a much better driver than Devlin or the other young drivers with budget.
My stepfather, who I adored, was an instant huge fan of Death to Smoochy after it came out on home video and would often sing the line “Stepdad’s Not Mean He’s Just Adjusting”
Omg, how did I not know as the hardest of hardcore Bright Eyes fans that this exists? Great cover(s).
This song is great and this album is one I feel like far too many people overlook. As a huge Nebraska fan, I’m down for any time The Boss wants to strip down and get all acoustic on our asses, and while it isn’t as great as Nebraska it is still easily my favorite 90s Springsteen album and high on my list of favorite E Street Band-less albums.
I’m of real mixed emotions here. I totally understand why latino/a folks want this film to succeed, there has never really been a film to this scale to feature as predominantly a latin-american cast as this one, and that’s certainly a big moment. I have a latino friend who is going purely for how big a moment it is for representation of his culture and I get it.
However, so much of the complaints about how iffy the film’s likely performance I’ve seen really border damn close to just complaining about the strike “ruining” things for people (like we didn’t all know this film had ‘potential bust’ written all over it for a long time now) and studios’ plans. And frankly, while I certainly hope for more latin-american representation all across film, I also think that trying to save Warner Bros Discovery from their own disasterous decision is counterproductive to wishes of future good quality and original programming
Yeah, nothing about his “clarifications” really do anything other than making him look even more a dim light struggling to form an opinion.
As killer a track as ever
Not the first nor last time Nico Rosberg is guilty of being a total ass.
I feel like to equate a targeted campaign based around hatred and influencing corporate culture to shun an entire group of people with a television show not being rerun because it heavily features a symbol of hate in every episode is like, not great. These two things are not equal.
The Cure never ceases being one of my favorite bands since I was the only 12 year old rocking a Cure t-shirt in middle school, there’s something in their diverse discography that can fit every mood I can have or want to be in.
Love love love this album. I will literally tell any fan of Double Nickels on the Dime (which let’s face it, is most Minutemen fans you find more than their full discography) that they HAVE to check out fIREHOSE and they are literally nearly as good in totally their own style.
This exactly. Just because the charges dismissed against somebody doesn’t mean the internal investigations didn’t make it clear they’d be better off without his influence, and it also doesn’t mean the person is innocent of being deeply toxic and likely to run into issues again, it just means a prosecutor wasn’t willing to risk anything other than a clear win as so often happens with these types of cases.
As an auto racing fan who gets the commercial for this every commercial break in Indycar or NASCAR, I am at the very least glad that they have a different trailer to show hopefully.
I really tried on the Ms. Marvel series but it was not for me and I knew it by the second episode, and Captain Marvel was one of the most formulaic, underbaked films of that Phase. Maybe it is just because Guardians being done means whatever strong investments I once had in the MCU are fading away because it’s all just too much of the same, but really nothing that screams out to me that this will be enjoyable though I will ultimately see it (a couple friends and I see every MCU movie despite most of us being super burnt out)
Was coming here to basically say this, that religious epics were once a source of great filmmaking in classic Hollywood.
A beautiful song about life in music.
Love this song as a diehard fan of the Nightmare on Elm Street series, listen to it all the time.
Logan deserves more of a shot than half a season, given that they knowingly moved him up to F1 when there was no way he was ready after just one (pretty good) season in F2 and some limited testing opportunities. Has he super impressed? No, but anybody who thought he would by this point is foolish, much more experienced drivers have taken longer.
Like sure, Mick would probably be a more competitive driver in the short term, but you’d be basically setting aflame what could be your lynchpin in the future.
I’m not surprised by this. It was immediately obvious that KBM wasn’t gonna be the same without the massive amount of support and sponsorship partners Toyota poured into that team. I just knew that Kyle Busch couldn’t have been happy going from battling for championships to employing mid-level pay drivers like Chase Purdy or not even mid-level in Jack Wood, the economics of running that team just totally changed overnight even though they were still building quality equipment.
I’ll be excited to see what Spire is looking like next year with a 3 car team with serious sponsorship backing, all the tools to be the top performing Chevy team in the Truck series, maybe continuing to dabble at the Xfinity level now that they own a chassis manufacturing company. After years coasting in the back, they are really shooting their shot at multiseries relevancy