Wouldn’t that be
At, I could do that, you piece of shit
Wouldn’t that be
At, I could do that, you piece of shit
And that is not a good thing.
The autopsy report, issued by the state chief medical examiner’s office, said bivvies typically include warnings against fully enclosing the weather-resistant outer layer “as it may lead to condensation and breathing restriction.”
The asphyxia finding was a “diagnosis of exclusion, meaning all other reasonable causes of death” were ruled out, it said. The boy was “placed into this compromised sleeping position by other(s) and did not have the ability to reasonably remove himself,” the report said.
So they basically suffocated the child and didn’t bother to check up on them even once
Very much agree with this. I still remember coming out of the airport and thinking I’ll just grab a taxi instead of ordering a ride!
All this without any ability to give feedback or a rating to the driver.
That was the last time I ever used a taxi.
When each year sees cuts to school programs and all that remains is kids sitting in front of screens (even PE is watch what TV shows and repeat), privatization is only remaining option for parents. The sad reality is that not many parents can afford it, especially if they have more than one child.
Meanwhile all your taxes go to pay salaries in the hundreds of thousands, to administrators that have nothing to do with education.
Label them terrorists, cease all financial aid to them, and impose sanctions. Let them see how far they get on their own buck.
Isn’t that what the US does to every other country acting like this? Why are these cunts special?
Stunning Medium and large sized enemies now don’t get stunned as easily. This will not affect the stratagems that stun, and will mostly just affect how easily the Pummeler can stun larger enemies
Why do they keep ruining the game with stupid changes like this? They’ve already nerfed all the weapons against heavy targets; stunning them was the only way to get a breather and lay down fire to bring them down.
With each patch they make it harder and harder to actually enjoy this game.
Never knew that; this is special of Mozilla.
They can fuck right off with their integration; preferably into the nearest star.
All our account names are some variation of fuck off sony, with email addresses to match, which are ruled to go straight into the trash.
Valve has a had a stranglehold on the PC games market for a long time and with this claim we’re challenging the status quo
Nothing has stopped competition from making their own platforms; god knows every god damn company out there has tried (Origin, Uplay, etc.) and failed to delivery a basic and functional option!
The reason Steam is (and will continue to be )successful is because they developed and listened to their user base without being greedy scumbags!
Agreed - rather give the people there the ability to install this themselves than have them try to block Firefox overall.
So basically a rehash of all existing locations and previous content, some to players again as new content.
Bungie truly has sunk to the level of CoD content drip.
My friends and I have followed this game from day 1, but lightfall was a hard enough decision to spend money on; everything since then has not shown to be worth full price.
Really wish there was more regulation on this. Everything core instruments should not require software to function.
If only we had lawmakers that kept greedy corporations in check, instead of bickering over bullshit.
Still no plans/pricing for Proton Pass Family (only the full proton suite).
Proton is missing many users with this simple lack of effort; not everyone wants drive, vpn, etc.
Some folks just want a password manager for the immediate and extended family; and often times we are willing to just pay a few bucks extra per month and not worry about helping these people after they get hacked, due to terrible passwords.
Sure this is a piece of shit, but that other piece of shit is worse!
Democracy is not dying, it was dead when this kind of thinking became the norm.
Kick all these geriatric fucks out and let people vote for someone they want, not a party.
I don’t mean that it’s been around for a long time, but the lack of innovation on it.
Plugins in browsers have been a crucial function for years and available on Android. The only reason they’re not on iOS is because Apple forces all browsers to use WebKit instead of Gecko/Blink/etc, like they do everywhere else.
I am more excited that Apple is being forced to allow other browser engines on iOS.
In 2024 I should not be forced to browse ad riddled websites that risk seizures upon loading, and further redirecting you to more shit when you try to close it, on a $1000 handheld computer.
Give us a browser engine that supports proper extensions, not this shit that is as old as the original iPhone!
Not just Windows, but Macs as well; I’ve had three different generations of MacBooks that you could plug a USB-C (thunderbolt) into any dock (Dell, HengeDock, random amazon brand, etc) and they simply worked.
I do feel your pain about multiple monitors; it is even more evident when you try to run some of them rotated and/or flipped.
I’ve not found a solution for it yet, and in some small way, I am glad to hear it’s not just me having these problems.
They already have an ad tier (tmobile bundles it into some of their plans). Is this going to be an even more ad tier?