If you’ve got something you’re that worried about keeping private, go home, and break everything with a computer chip, a radio/network. Because if it’s not listening now, it’s only an update away.
If you’ve got something you’re that worried about keeping private, go home, and break everything with a computer chip, a radio/network. Because if it’s not listening now, it’s only an update away.
Have you tried writing to them? This helped my partner and I. Tell them how you feel, your worries, what you want and why. Give them as much time as they need to process it and respond.
Rupert Murdoch has entered the chat.
All your base are belong to AIs
I think ubi has merit as a short term stop-gap measure, when a replacement system is ready to be introduced. My expectation is it will drive inflation up just by there being more poor-people money to sweat into the corporate/landlord e: toilet paper is more appropriate.
Suicide is more like not turning up to the exam and taking it later.
They’re not people, they’re cancer to society.
Assuming it’s not cached and sent next time it talks, of course.
Probably a good starting place would be to take the three apps you need most, and just search the web for guides to running them on Linux. That’ll give you an indication of how much work you might/not be in for.
e: also if a guide says “just run this shell script” even chance it’s not just that simple.
For free? Surely there’s some way to get that shit out… Or at least, the panel.
Yeah, that’s why it’s the chaotic neutral solution… We would need to organise food, water, comms and energy supplies almost immediately. We’d to have to work together, and that is chaotic.
I think a fun way to protest would be to stop the economy. Just all simultaneously stop working and spending, stay home and spend time with our families.
Only their word until someone does it with a sniffer. E: I suppose, or looks the source but someone answered better now.
Note: Unlike other browsers that rely on cloud services, Firefox keeps your data safe on your device. There’s no privacy risk of sending text to third parties for analysis because translation happens on your device, not externally.
HL3 will be a secret minigame you unlock after you beat the HL1 & 2 minigames on hard. Of course HL3 will have been worth the wait.
Nah Gabe working on a god tier game. He just want to be able to say the same thing we all do… “you mean, you have to use your hands?”
Where we’re going, we don’t need peripherals.
Just Gabe working on a god tier game.
If they’re games, protondb (.com) will tell you how well you can expect them to run. Other stuff, it’s often a case of search the web or try and see. Wine takes some getting used to, you’ll probably have to get your hands dirty and do a little learning.
We’re just waiting for the environment to correct that problem.
How are there so many stupid people here already?