Capitalism broke gaming twice already. Once in the 80s.
Capitalism broke gaming twice already. Once in the 80s.
No, I am a father to kids that have their future secured! Oh, my terrible fate!
Because emasculation of men is just a dog whistle for bigots. At best. At worst it is just a euphemism.
Yes, those are two different things. For bigots they might be the same thing.
End of the day, both are just cultural war olympics for dumb masses.
Uh, no. Artists had sponsors. Wealthy nobles.
tap to run intensifies
gated quest area intensifies
But the single player design yo!
I meant like russia is Gaza 2.0 and Kadyrov is literally Hamas. Maybe they will fuck off from Palestine.
Well, russia be shipping muslims to Belarus like there is no tomorrow. Maybe tell Benny there is a lot of muslims in Belarus and they are coming from russia?
Lets see Courts opinion on AI LLMs.
Sef impaling.
Gangbang impaling.
Yeah, and girls dress for rape. They are just aaasking for it!
I will go off on a tangent.
Just because something is online it does not mean I give a full green light on anything.
Fuck this noise of social parasitic networks hammering free service therefore pay with data into everyone’s skull. And everyone posts crap.
It is a billion dollar business. LLMs are extracting millions and will generate more.
You know why? Because worthless shit you post online is not worthless after all.
Yes, you are reading it right. Pay me. Pay us.
Before anyone ridicules this. Yall be defending billion dollar corporations, staffed with millionaires below C-levels.
People should start demanding money from these greedy assholes.
Pizza friday is the best day after layoffs on monday.
In practice USSR was fascist since Stalin came to power. Argue all you want here, but the only difference was social hierarchy. On paper. As sold to common folk. In practice, since Stalin, a rigid hierarchy was established and enforced. It had a name, Nomenclature.
USSR was authoritarian - one guy run the show since Stalin.
Ultranationalist- soviet vs rest of the world. Argue till you are blue, but soviets its just a different name for the nation concept.
Centralized autocracy. People did not rule jack shit.
Militarism - they sure do love their parades.
Forcible suppression of opposition.
Belief in natural social hierarchy. Nomenclature is one thing and the same as current day oligarchy. People were trained to uphold it.
Hell, equality in USSR was also worth jack shit. In the 90s russia opened archives. Guess what, georgian soviets were sent first to the meat grinder. Prime example Battle of Berlin.
And for fuck sake. USSR forced other countries into their system. Suppressed culture, enforce russian language. That is ultranationalism.
Also, hello. We as a group of people have a mortal enemy. That mortal enemy is ever present, weak, but always encroaching. Ever endangering us.
If I have to spell it out, it is a staple of fascism.
Same shit different era.**
Would be enough to just show him off like in a zoo. So people do not forget him.
Hassan is a similar hack and fraudster. Playing to base impulses and shallow thinking.
Pretty sure they are creating alt accounts on non-tankie instances.
Cue in Omaega Haxor and Yoghurt jumping in to appologize for Putin and North Korea.
You support ultra capitalist dictatorships while claiming to be a tankie.
Go away nazi.
Aluminium and glass is close to infinitely recyclable.
Better yet, glass bottles can be reused up to 7 times.
But it costs more than a returnable plastic bottle. Which obviously costs more than a sturdy as a trashbag plastic bottle.
No it won’t. Yall never be successful with this kind of thinking.
Incantation works only AFTER blood offering of 1k of employees. Fire first, bonus later.
Then and only then Mamona will be happy to improve stock.