If you’re willing to put up with the low security options provided by default and don’t have a weird laptop, maybe.
If you’re willing to put up with the low security options provided by default and don’t have a weird laptop, maybe.
Oh I just did that
Only if you refuse to put forth the same effort into fixing windows as you do with Linux. Not wanting to learn doesn’t mean it’s not learnable.
But did you try (the distro I personally prefer)? I’ve tried 500 distros and that one is the one that actually worked for me.
What does that mean? The name Carter doesn’t show up on the Wikipedia page for timor from what I can find.
Who is punching someone?
Correct you need about 32 gb of ram to use two web browsers at the same time.
Yeah I was wondering what the fuck you were talking about
Let’s go with a simple approach: is anyone giving money for something where they don’t fully understand what they are getting in return. That is, they don’t know they are getting a decoration or unlocking a character or whatever?
Your life seems sad. I hope you find a better job.
What UIs have you tried? The ones I’ve used are completely flexible. Checkboxes for days.
Are you telling me you’d rather support nazis than help a family in need? 😮
Fuck off dude
Don’t be weird
They made a stupid mistake ten years ago when they bought a car from a conman sex pest pedo-guy.
Edit: I assume every downvote is some poor fool who fell for Elon, and I’m sorry for you :'(
Even with QLF disks???
What the fuck are you talking about? What does any of your post have to do with the working class? You know these same people went after Obama for wearing the wrong color suit too, right?
Lol “the main computer market is iffy”