It is possible with ublock origin or browser extension
In case you miss infinite scroll. There is browser extension and JS script for that
For privacy reason. local account is the best
Some people already archive it
I think make ad run faster can circumvent this. wdyt?
So, what are the alternatives?
Bitwarden is okay and free
For console, Switch is the market leader in Japan
An Update it works again thanks to revanced
yeah, as long as still untouched. it is bearable atm.
Really? So, Gmail account is a must? alias not allowed? Fortunately web archive still preserve it. But, idk how long
as long you stayed away from Ubuntu GNOME made by canonical and stick to other Ubuntu derivatives like Kubuntu,Xubuntu etc. they are good and stable distros without forced snap (I know Thunderbird,Chromium and Firefox got snapped because of the backend side. So, this is not their fault and you can switch to other ppas to mitigate this) and their software center app like discover still prioritise apt and flatpak.
Kubuntu and other Ubuntu derivatives are okay. they still use apt/flatpak on their software center
Ublock origin, tampermonkey and bitwarden
I know ExplorePatcher and Startallback can stop ads on Start menu. is there any viable solution for this Settings app ad?