On top of that: any FPV drones that were either not fooled or fooled and attack are just bouncing off on contact.
On top of that: any FPV drones that were either not fooled or fooled and attack are just bouncing off on contact.
Tank you for träwelling viz Deutsche Bahn…
Wenn ich Zeit habe, sage ich manchmal “moi-en”. Bin halt ein alter Sabbelkopp.
It started with a popular mastodon posts on how to block openai crawlers I think, and I’d like to know whether people are actually implementing it.
Private project, not really security related: Crawling robots.txts to gather some statistics on which bots people are most often excluding - weirdly I couldn’t find any recent/regularly updated stats on this.
Ich denke zweistellig Wählerstimmen wird schon drin sein, solange der gesamte FDP Bundesvorstand auch tatsächlich sein Kreuz bei der FDP macht.
Selten habe ich einen so kleinen Bindestrich so große Verantwortung tragen sehen
Afaik Czechia identified 800k shells available on the world market (a lot from Turkey) and they are looking for partners to buy them for Ukraine.
“Also merke: Der ehrliche Pusher wird von Bullen umzingelt, doch beim klugen Panscher stets die Kasse klingelt.”
I think this is a good idea and wish you all the best.
Moderation will be key of course, but the rules ( http://diagonlemmy.social/post/108 ) sound good.
At the same time, if somebody doesn’t even want to think about HP, they can easily block the entire instance, no harm no foul.
I really like the app for my personal reading tracking. Been using it for a couple years, and this year (?) there was a huge update that improved it a lot (better UX/UI and statistics if I’m not mistaken).
It’s mostly an app that does what it should, but not more, and gets out the way, which is awesome.
Klar, aber stell dir Mal vor, das wären deine Geschwister, aber aus irgendeinem Grund bist du einfach nur Torsten (5).
Awesome, I didn’t know that either! TIL
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Edit: Oder halt diesen account entfolgen, ich komme da auch nicht hinterher :)
Thanks for bringing this to my attention in any case - I was always a bit annoyed by the behavior, but not enough to actually try to fix it :D
Thanks for recommending it, it does look really nice. I’ll definitely check it out when a fitting project comes along.
“I don’t know what weapons the next big war will be fought with, but one afterwards with be fought with sticks and drones.” - Einstein, probably
Wow, that looks amazing! Will definitely check it out for a side project :)