I think that’s the joke, Clyde!
I think that’s the joke, Clyde!
The one use case I can see being valuable is dynamically reading a custom name. In Skyrim for example, all NPCs refer to you by your title as Dragonborn. But some smart person made a mod that uses AI trained on the NPC voice lines to embed your character’s name into dialog!
As long as voice actors are appropriately compensated/protected, say with royalties for every game that uses their likeness or an ironclad contract making sure the company can’t stiff then out of future work, I feel like that could be a great thing.
All fair. I haven’t tried either with the Deck, though that’s more because I don’t want to try games from either platform with a controller. I have had success running both on my Linux desktop, though.
This is just my experience, but I have had next to zero issues running games on the Deck that were related to the platform. Most problems I’ve encountered are along the lines of the game being KBM-centric and it being difficult to play with the controller inputs.
The only Linux-specific issues I can’t think of are related to trying to install or mod games outside of Steam (Skyrim in particular is far more difficult to mod on Linux than I expected).
We don’t! When I was younger I had a theory that the brain is a 3D representation of an organ that exists in a higher dimension. Granted, I had (and still have) no relevant expertise to properly speculate on how that could work, but it was fun to think about.
My first thought is that you could write a program that does something like this:
Of course, the biggest problem with this system is that a person could fool it into generating malicious code.
Does Sirius have a way to give visual lyrics?
It’s honestly unkind to include it in the quote from her. Written down, it is seriously hard to read. But spoken aloud, your brain will filter “filler words” like that out without needing to think too hard about it.
I’m also curious to see the original image
That sounds like nonsense. I’ll have to look it up!
Is this the comic that had the raccoon saying something like “I’m rabid for titties”?
And it’s so ridiculously good. The NYT even wrote an article about it.
Hell yeah brother. Never forget the most important step a man can take: the next one.
I love it lmfao (lost my flannel at Orlando)
The girl in the passenger seat clearly has a look of “we knew this was going to happen”, too.
What exactly does “ultra processed” mean?
No worries, I may have just been unclear considering multiple people appear to have downvoted my comment.
That’s what I’m saying. It has anticheat, and it runs on Linux without issue.
I guess the primary difference is between legally free speech versus socially free speech. The argument being that the government shouldn’t stop you from slinging slurs, while you have absolutely no right to not be ostracized/shunned/shamed by your fellow man.