I hadn’t heard about the guy until now and was about to say that we shouldn’t bully him over a medical condition but then you said anti-vax shit and lost me.
I hadn’t heard about the guy until now and was about to say that we shouldn’t bully him over a medical condition but then you said anti-vax shit and lost me.
both attractive :p
Yeah agreeing with the other comments. I see what you mean but tell me what you want to convey beyond just a charisma check. Or if lieing just tell me what you want them to think instead of describing every word
Dang thinking back, Dora quest would be so dope. I want to save the Ice princess!!
If you bite an artery even a human can kill something. You can bite of a finger if you want to. The problem is people only think of biting in " I chomp and then I let go" instead of " I bite and do not let go but pull bake so I tear that chunk of the person off".
Pact of the Muppet!!!
I would love if there were some eldritch entities that were chill or just ask you to do minor things to annoy another eldritch being. Not all of them need to destroy the world
but some of the lesser horrors could be fought and at least vaguely understood. Its the great old ones and Elder gods you need to worry about
Deez nuts!!!
The war has been rageing ever since
Nope Nope Nope!!! runs away
That’s why you need to dump the enemy in a empty vat and then use create water. lol or for regular use just tie them up and pour a bucket you are always refiling into their mouth.
Yeah it’s weird pixies can caste polymorph, like why do they need that spell at their CR. I don’t think it makes sense for lore ether.
A way to fix the banishment type effect is make it so it can only be cast on a creature who is not a threat (like being tied up, unaware, or several levels below you) so its more balanced and keeps the idea of a witch/wizard curseing someone to become a frog. Scouting I’m fine with because it is a common fantasy trope. My only solution for being a combat buff is capping the health you can have per level or stronger forms have a lesser duration.
True but you should be able to choose a little. When things like woodland creature are so random( and I guess know polymorph) its hard to form tactics around become rather useless. If you have a mean DM it can be a hazard like turning into something useless and not contributing to combat or summoning something that ether dies immediately or just clogs the initiative not helping.
at least 2 go unconscious and the other is heavily wounded