Never met a vegetarian?
Never met a vegetarian?
He hasn’t actually been convicted of any yet… technically not a felon until he’s sentenced, if I’m not mistaken
Tbh I wouldn’t know what to make of someone wearing a rainbow swastika
In general I try not to attribute something to malice if it is better explained by stupidity.
These clowns are stretching my faith in that
deleted by creator
Can’t say that any of those things you listed someone should be ashamed of, but maybe not proud of them either.
Fwiw, Trump either genuinely believes he’s done nothing wrong, or he needs his fans to believe it, so him saying this kinda tracks.
I guess there’s a reason pride is a deadly sin
Yeah federated platforms like lemmy are a potential solution. I would guess they aren’t more popular because nobody directly profits from the success of these platforms, and since no one entity has control of it people in positions of power may be wary of adopting it.
Also a distributed platform is pretty much always going to be more complicated. This scares off the casual users that make up the majority of social media usernames.
Look at Linux; you can be more open, better on paper, cheaper, and even easier to use in some cases, but the success of online platforms is not a meritocracy. It’s a pageant.
And the joke is that Lemmy users are much further left than that.
Aside from the typical misogyny this movie in particular makes some pointed criticisms of masculinity. They either don’t see that reactions like this makes their masculinity look very insecure, or they are aware that hatred sells to their audience better than fair level-headed reactions.
Most do, in my experience. These guys are more like right wing influencers with a Christian theme than actual clergy, as far as I can tell.
Recently I’ve been listening to Well There’s You’re Problem; it’s 30% retrospective on engineering disasters 70% shitpost
Yuzu is an emulator. You don’t need a physical console to use it, unless you insist on dumping your own firmware/roms/keys.
Modding actual switch hardware is certainly more involved. Those rcm jigs are annoying, and later revisions require a modchip which is not an easy install.
If the sex worker is consenting without duress and is being treated well (I recognize that’s a big ‘if’) then I’m fine with it. I have no inherent objections to sex work itself so it would feel like a double standard to judge the people who use it.
Unfortunately the moral waters are muddied by the rampant trafficking, drug abuse, etc. within the industry.
Unless I’m missing something this seems trivial to test. Just test blood sugar before and after drinking a diet soda. If bloods sugar goes down then the sweetener likely caused a release of insulin. If it doesn’t change then it didn’t.
It seems petty far-fetched. If artificial sweeteners caused a runaway insulin spike then I would expect them to cause a lot of cases of diabetic shock.
Yeah, I dropped Spotify when they started plastering my home screen with ads for podcasts that I didn’t want to listen to. If there had even just been a way to hide them after the fact, but no. I guess they really needed to justify the deal with Joe Rogan.
I had fallen off a bit anyway; the amount of click baiting had gone through the roof, quality of videos plateaued. Now caught dead to rights on poor journalistic integrity and allegations of sexual harassment in the workplace?
All so that I can drool over graphics cards I can’t afford? Easy choice to unsubscribe.
Be better, LTT
Okay, but what if, hypothetically, I did pet?
Sounds like the injured officers are suing. It’s a civil case not criminal, so I’m not sure how much the court would actually be asked to legislate. I’d be interested to hear their arguments, though I’m sure part of their reasoning for suing Tesla over the driver is they have more money.
If you’re swerving to avoid a sudden obstacle you reasonably may not have the foresight or reaction to flip on a signal. The car still needs to not force you back on collision course.
Character in the thumbnail is throwing the kukri backwards