That looks to be the one!
That looks to be the one!
Some amazon no name one. It’s a 15.5mm diameter one.
Thats a brilliant idea and I’m ashamed I didn’t think of it.
Here is the STL if anyone wants to remix it or whatever.
Great minds! Appreciate the advice all the same.
It’s definitely crying out for that ability. Maybe also with a little tab and ratchet system so it clicks as you spin 🤔
I have 3D Printing folder with all my .blend files, and a folder for STLs. For important projects I will bundle everything in its own folder. PCB and Enclosure design both get their own folders for KiCad and Blender files, then there is a fabrication folder containing gerbers/BOM files, as well as STLs or any documents for stickers/etc that may be needed.
I usually will use a version tracking system like git for big projects that use that file tree as well.
As a seethingly jealous ender 3 peasant who is still spending most of his time keeping my printer working with kludges and duct tape; it’s nice to know Bambu owners are human after all and still run into problems.
Hope you get it sorted and are back printing soon! 🖖
Videos like that I’m always amazed the creator even bothers uploading. I’d be so fucking embarassed it would never see the light of day.
But I guess its sunk cost fallacy. Gotta get that content out there I spent a week working on. I guess I can appreciate that. Theres also something to be said about being honest about your fuckups. I was so embarassed for him I noped out of that video so I dont really know how it ended, but I dont recall there being much humility about it?
Hey cool thanks for the critiques! I’ll make some changes with that in mind.
I dunno what everyone else is using pis for but for me it’s not media centers or servers. The pi has a full gpio header with i2c and spi. I can hook up LCD screens, sensors, servos, etc without much additional components. It’s like an Arduino except I get a real file system, network stack, multicore performance.
It’s more than just a single board computer it feels like an ultra microcontroller.
I feel like this whole “micro PCs are better than raspis” is coming from the group of people who never really used pis for what they were intended? I don’t know. Maybe I’m out to lunch here, I’m not trying to defend the pi because it is definitely a really bad choice for a lot of things but honestly despite all the bad blood they’ve accrued there still isn’t an sbc that can really match it’s utility and community support at least that I’ve seen.
War never changes.
Even as a kid watching that I remember being like “wait what… really?”
Maybe its less like a number as we know it, and more like an ant poem or other mnemonic representation?
Ensign Sonya Gomez over here thanking the replicator
TNG “Q Who?”
SONYA: Hot chocolate, please.
LAFORGE: We don’t ordinarily say please to food dispensers around here.
SONYA: Well, since it’s listed as intelligent circuitry, why not? After all, working with so much artificial intelligence can be dehumanising, right? So why not combat that tendency with a little simple courtesy. Thank you.
GIMP is great but it definitely needs its own Blender 3.0 moment where they just completely overhaul the UI.
I’ve used it as my primary raster app so I’m way used to it now, but I totally understand the people who just never even bother to learn it because they are so turned off by the absolutely bonkers design decisions.
Incredible detailing. So atmospheric!
Hey thanks for the advice I’ll look into those points. Really appreciate the tips!
The Earl Tablet.
I wish Eric had given us pebble v2 instead of beeper, honestly.
Agreed. I also see them all over youtube videos and stuff and I just can’t keep reading/watching. Its not like an ideological thing, i don’t hate generated art. I just find it so distracting.