I don’t understand why this is relevant. But, to answer your question, a modern system should already be on systemd
Dear lord…I will try to read the rest but you are not off to a good start. What has modern to do with systemd?
I don’t understand why this is relevant. But, to answer your question, a modern system should already be on systemd
Dear lord…I will try to read the rest but you are not off to a good start. What has modern to do with systemd?
I am not sure I understand what you mean by:
Consider checking up on where Wayland, systemd, PipeWire, PulseAudio etc first appeared; so on which particular distro. Are you referring to use those packages as default? Afaik Fedora OS is not even rolling release, so I cannot fathom how it has packages earlier than the typical bleeding-edge candidates. Fedora Atomic Why are you mixing Fedora Atomic with the regular Fedora Distro? It’s also the most mature attempt. Derivatives like Bazzite are the product of this endeavour. From the OG distros, only openSUSE (with its Aeon) has released an attempt. However, it seems to be less ambitious in scope and vision. …how is something like this objectively valid? I understand you like Fedora, but you make claims without any proof or just pure opinion based.
How does that contradict what I wrote? I even mentioned RHEL…
lol? are you trolling?
Being the first distro on which new technologies are introduced
Also atomic branch? SELinux might be a fair point, but I doubt that ss unique to Fedora tbh.
Fedora has no selling point at all besides being similar to RHEL.
systemd, dbus, and polkitd. If any one of those components are misconfigured, you risk an unauthorized user gaining root privileges.
Just for my own understanding, if any of those are misconfigured, do you not anyway have a big security problem already, regardless of run0?
This is taking way too long.
I mean…all this and much more is part of the wireguard archwiki. And whoever wants to setup a wireguard server but doesn’t know what ping is… Interesting would be an example on how to use tcpdump and how to read it.
What prompt is this?
Changing from arch to fedora was mostly based on his ties with Red Hat. I am still waiting here for ANY REASON for a private person to chose ANYTHING from red hat, without having ties with them. Their documentation is horrid and mostly hidden behind some kind of login bullshit.
Edit: Also the take on KDE “being” bloated. It misses the point. KDE has so many moving cogs that it gets quite hard to fix issues you come across. That is why its “bloated”. Nobody is complaining about working features which are useful. But if some window rules are bugging out, good luck fixing that on KDE.
Not written in rust, yuck! 😆
Mhm interesting, compared to helix it also seems to be available in the debian repositories. But what I don’t like is the similar approach as of vim/nvim where you have to configure everything yourself, instead of delivering a wholesome experience with sane defaults like helix editor does. Thanks anyway.
Can somebody explain in essence what the difference between kakoune and helix bindings are? Edit: What I found so far https://helix-editor.com/?ref=medevel.com https://github.com/helix-editor/helix/discussions/2138
Not sure about the alias part but definetly give fuzzel a try as a wayland launcher.
what is a regular desktop non-workstation??
I also use Debian Testing as a work computer. But I am used to more bleeding edge distros. So if somebody strives for rock solidness, I think default debian stable is even a better choice.
That sounds like an excuse to waste lifetime. A good UI should be what makes or breaks an audio player. If I have to enter text queries to play songs this might work after I configured a script which handles all the shit I want to do OR the UI is in itself easy to use so I don’t need to go to that length.
did they fix the encryption bullshit which makes it impossible to see external content when using encryption? Therefore I have to read such emails on my android version of thunderbird facepalm deluxe