Oh my kid doesn’t play – more or less just listens to me vent about EA while occasionally providing advice on how to make my Sims clothing/builds look better. :D
Oh my kid doesn’t play – more or less just listens to me vent about EA while occasionally providing advice on how to make my Sims clothing/builds look better. :D
Aww thanks for the comment. I’ll share this with my kid as they’re the one who came up with that one. :D
I’m so looking forward to once Paralives launches (Early Access to be sometime in 2025). Out of all of the competition, that’s the one I’m looking forward to the most. I’ve been a Patreon supporter for years and love seeing their weekly updates.
I’m not interested in giving EA any more money or in their 2 hour long commercial. However, what I AM interested in is all creative talents who may create their own versions of what the Sims movie should be based on Sims 4 is actually like:
Tenet 3: One’s body is inviolable, subject to one’s own will alone.
Tenet 3: One’s body is inviolable, subject to one’s own will alone.
I break the spaghetti into 3 pieces before cooking it as then it’s much easier to deal with. :)
Yeah I agree re opaque policies as if someone can get suspended for this, it would be nice if it was easy to find a policy regarding it. Thanks for your response.
Can you or Laurence link me to the policy saying one can’t have both a paid and unpaid app? Or are you asserting Google didn’t follow their own policy in this regard?
Linking a message saying that someone was temporarily suspended doesn’t sway me especially when I see apps on the store that have both paid and free versions of their apps like the app I linked earlier. If they and others can do it, why can’t the dev for Sync?
Now if someone could share a link to a policy document by Google saying “You cannot have both a paid version and an unpaid version of an app on the play store” then I would be very happy to be corrected here and I will happily adapt my stance to support that. (Seriously, I don’t mind being corrected – I’d just prefer something official from Google.)
And so it’s a deal breaker for me. And while I never used Sync for Reddit, I am thankful to all the app creators for helping the community often out of pocket and/or while being severely underpaid for years. And I hope this dev will do well financially with other users who have loyalty or different priorities than I concerning privacy and transparency.
I appreciate your response and I agree. And likewise nothing wrong with the dev making money and fans supporting that too. (I’ve seen complaints of some people who think all Lemmy apps should be free…and I feel that’s very entitled demanding someone else’s time and effort for free, but they too can just use free apps.)
Sure and if the dev goes back on that we have no recourse to get a refund from Google or for Google to take any action towards the dev since the dev can just show we agreed to our data being collected/used regardless of whether we paid or not.
Cool. It’s great that you did this.
However, my concern is there are no guarantees it wouldn’t change and there would be no recourse for Google to give us a refund since from Google’s standpoint we gave permission for the app to track our data regardless of whether we paid or not.
Yeah I was going to try the app based on all they hype but I noped out based on the trackers and that you have to accept all those permissions regardless if you pay. A dev saying they won’t use the data of paid users – that isn’t the kind of thing I would expect to be enforceable when legally you’ve already signed permissions for the data to be collected/used.
Just because it was done like this before does not mean it’s a good or transparent practice. I can appreciate though that those who used and loved Sync for Reddit may not care.
I have not used Sync for Reddit however but upon hearing about how much people love it, I wanted to give this app a try. My main point is it’s not transparent unless their is a separate app for the paid version that lays out the permissions.
A post doesn’t matter to me if I legally agree for that data to be collected as a requirement for installing the app.
I didn’t find anything against having both a paid app and a free app in the Google’s Policy Center.
While you can’t have two apps called the same thing, e.g., both apps called ‘your app name’, you can have one app called ‘your app name’ and another app called ‘your app name pro’.
I found advice going back years saying one just needs to create a separate project like this. And here is the most recent source I found saying the same thing and it goes further and lists apps that are on the store with both paid and free versions. I also did my own search and found this example: My Lightning Tracker & Alerts is free and My Lightning Tracker Pro is a paid app.
And regardless the dev saying they won’t use the data from paid users – that doesn’t matter to me when legally by using the app I signed away permission for that data to be collected.
I agree we all have the power of voting with our money. In my case, I hope that buying Sims 3 while at the same time NOT buying Sims 4 kits will help EA see that some people care about game play more than graphics…BUT EA wouldn’t focus on kits and expansions with shallow game play if that wasn’t making a profit so looks like I’m not part of their main demographic.
And now with announcements this week that Sims 5 will be a free to start game that works on mobile and will include lots of microtransactions (based on EA job posting 179118 which they’d since taken down but can still be seen here… While it’s too soon to know exactly how this will unfold, I’m really looking forward to Paralives and Life By You. Both to play those games but with the hope EA may lose market share and smarten up.
Based on this source the issue has been fixed but the instance owners need to update to the latest version of Lemmy (v 0.18) which has the fix.
jacksfilms provided evidence of Sssniperwolf doxing him by travelling to his house and showing live video footage of it to her millions of subscribers, her stealing author’s content (and not crediting), muting their jokes and saying the jokes herself, reacting to the same clip more than once in a video, and cases of adding zero commentary (wasn’t even on screen).
jacksfilms created a second channel (jjjacksfilms) where he would watch her videos, provide value (he’d critique them and his viewers would learn how to improve their own content by what not to do), AND he’d research and try to include credits to all the original authors that Sssniperwolf was stealing from and didn’t credit herself. He has many videos showing more examples of Sssniperwolf’s shady behaviour.
Despite it being fair use for jacksfilms to critique her videos, Sssniperwolf doxed him.
2023-07-26 Let’s tttalk about Sssniperwolf. (jacksfilms)
2023-08-16 Sssniperwolf is getting worse. Here’s proof. (jacksfilms)
2023-10-14 Sssniperwolf came to our home last night. It’s time for YouTube to step in. (jacksfilms)