Is that subscription based search engine that everyone talks about ?
Its app that you can downloaded in F-Droid, basically it’s a app that can control other app components. But before that you must Root/Unlock bootloader
Now time to make it look like some DeusEx heart
Firefox engines have telemetry since old ages. Do you know what even crazier ??? even other firefox browser like fennec has Mozilla telemetry.
PSA : disable it with Blocker (ROOT) for more privacy
It’s rarely to see HP shot it’s own foot
Well…they make other products too. I’m sure Laptop/Desktop/Server department transferred some money to Printer department
Well I’m glad I’ve deleted all my Reddit account before chaos on there
Meanwhile some user on internet be like : challenge accepted
Ohh…god you made me remembered my old nighmare
This is almost top tier special
Well i personally doesn’t like big screen audio player like clementine or rhythmbox, i like music player as simple & mini as possible like QMMP
But what about semi auto/manual transmission like DCT (dual clutch transmission) or sequential transmission ?
Imagine getting busted for 16$, that’s either bad luck Brian mood or newbie fan just wanna try how China dodging all lawsuit
Eternity is good, sadly it’s rarely gets update from dev