Yeah her shape stands out so well and she’s got really nice body,
Actually three raccoons in a trench coat.
Owner and proprietor of the Demonologic Porn Shed (!
Lesbian or lesbian-adjacent, and a pretty girl enthusiast. A “they” or “she” – I guess I’m a themme?
Feel free to DM me!
Yeah her shape stands out so well and she’s got really nice body,
What an amazing view. I mean, aside from the obvious; she’s gorgeous but so is the rest of the scene.
Also: perky sideboob 🤌
Well hello new fetish, nice to meet you.
… I’ll be in my Shed
Yay 🥳
Thank you for all you do to keep the instance running. Migrations do have a tendency to sometimes go sideways, so it’s nice that it went smoothly in the end even if it took more work than you expected.
I wish that was even one of the top 10 reaction she causes in me, I really could do with motivation and the other reactions aren’t very productive 😅
I was here all “… no way are those tits home-grown” and had to go do a search 😅 Unless the internet is lying to me (unthinkable!), her tits in fact are just due to terrific genetics. Well I’ll be.
But yeah, her body really is amazing. It’s so hot how all that m u s c l e looks; she’s curvy and thick as all get out, but looks more firm than soft (not too firm though! 😁). She’s so beautiful too, but not in a generic porn star cookie-cutter way.
It’s like a superpower
Me-ow you’re gorgeous. You’ve got such lovely legs and the way the stockings show off their shape is just 🤌
You have been well trained, my young apprentice.
Yeah 😔 OP do you happen to know the source for this?
I don’t know what it is about her in this photo, but me-ow she looks so hot
Oh of that I have no doubt; I’m just a loudmouth hornyposter so I got there first 😂
I think she’s so pretty, she has a distinctive look. What makes her so hot though is that she’s fucking hilarious, I’d love to get to do a bit of banter with her. Shit, that’d probably count as foreplay for me
Even though what I post is pretty much always women with somehow really amazing bodies – of course I think “perfect” bodies are hot – my posts are just their own sort of fantasy play for me. Yeah no duh it’s fun to fantasize and hornypost about some absurdly beautiful woman or other, but I’d probably be the world’s saddest lesbian if the only women I got the hots for were near-supermodel knockouts. So yeah, love me a good hottie as much as anyone who likes women, but gee fucking whiz is there something to be said for just regular 'ol girls with no bells and whistles 😂
The porn sites I actually pay money for (!!!) because I want to support what they do are Abby Winters and ifeelmyself, and right now that’s it (sorta thinking about Zishy though). I love the sort of content they produce because it’s pretty lesbo-ish friendly stuff, and I love that their models look… well, “normal”, you know? Sure some are very pretty, but they’re generally more just average people than pros as such. Also why I won’t share things from those sites myself, I PAID FOR IT I’M KEEPING IT IT’S MINE.
And no I’m not affiliated with either Abby or IFM in any way, heh. Wish I was, might be nice places to work for.
… your tits are very nice, but anybody going to mention the legs? Anybody?
Ok I’ll do it. Damn 🥵
Ooo, and you have tattoos! Hopefully we’ll get to see more of them