For context, it was called lucywildisrtrded. Definitely not flattering for the star.
For context, it was called lucywildisrtrded. Definitely not flattering for the star.
Lol, of course it will. These devices will keep inching on the pricing with every release until we stop buying them.
Don’t get me wrong, the iPhone is a superb smartphone. If I were Apple’s CEO, I’d probably have and unspoken target to push the prices up as long as unit sales weren’t impacted too much. As soon as sales taper off, I’d lower the price overnight and hand it to marketing to spin the story for the masses.
Causing fires
I don’t understand the hate unless ppl were not reading the developers prelaunch disclaimer. The message was quite clear that the game was Not optimized. There description of the issues all but indicate not to buy the game on release.
Why buy a game that the creators admitted isn’t completely polished to then cry about framerate and performance issues?