a sharp symbol is ++ stacked on top of ++ So C ++ ++ becomes C#
Phonetically, It is C sharp because it sounds cooler than C hash or C pound.
a sharp symbol is ++ stacked on top of ++ So C ++ ++ becomes C#
Phonetically, It is C sharp because it sounds cooler than C hash or C pound.
The topic is good ,but this site is unusable due to pop ups
Brisco County Jr.
Using the enclosed pipette, siphon off 15ml of the cat’s essence.
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nancy_(comic_strip) I think it is Nancy’s friend Sluggo
The tree would drown.
Trees require evaporation through the leaves to draw nutrient enriched water from the roots through the trunk to the leaves. Which then evaporates and causes the process to be continued.
They also require Carbon for the photosynthesis process, which trees absorb via the leaves in the form of Carbon Dioxide.
the Cut. (Low and ominous)
Site is full of malware.