Language comprehension: Not applicable
Language comprehension: Not applicable
I’ve just been buying phones a model or two behind the latest generation. Bonus points for a refurbished phone. Saves a ton of money and they’re usually not much less capable than what’s new.
Tbf salmon do the same thing
Remember Kif: the fastest way to a woman’s bed is through her parents. Have sex with them and you’re in.
Wolfram was completely indispensable for me during college. I always meant to get into Mathematica as well, but never got around to figuring it out.
“If you care about President Trump getting in the White House, you have to get all your friends and family, everyone you know to get out and vote for him. But you may also have to swallow down voting for that RINO [Republican in name only], horrible, shitty Republican you hate … just so we can control the House,”
If I’m understanding correctly, by horrible shitty Republicans she means Republicans who aren’t horrible or shitty enough.
Didn’t think I’d read onomatopoeia of Garfield sucking Jon’s toes today, but here we are.
You have insulted me and my people with this offer 😡 (unless you add 3 gold/turn)
I first heard it as a chain email in the mid 2000s, so I know it’s real
“Shh! Don’t tell the ants where I am.”
An excruciating number, yes
I mean, I get that short people have no reason to live (Newman et al.), but turning them into step stools seems a bit cruel
Ooh is that a reference to Tim Minchin’s Storm I see?
Nah man you’re thinking of the song that goes bee bee boo bee boo bop
I thought the newest season was okay. Not as good as pre-season 6, which I expected, but better than a lot of the previous reboot episodes, which I didn’t expect.
Honestly my biggest gripe with the show as it stands is that a lot of the current events references (e.g. Amazon, Bitcoin) are a bit on the nose.
My only complaints about Aldi are that the selection is a bit limited (though they often have some interesting stuff in the “aldi finds” section) and the produce can be a bit hit or miss, but I always do the bulk of my groceries there, then get the rest at Kroger. (Their prices aren’t great, but they’re the cheapest in my area beside Aldi.)
Misleading yet entirely accurate