A chief is the head of a tribe, it’s similar to the word general who’s head of an army.
A chief is the head of a tribe, it’s similar to the word general who’s head of an army.
Soon it became dangerous to download the movie, though, as popular demand for the movie quickly put a target on downloaders’ backs and scammers soon planted malware in Spider-Man movie torrents that ReasonLabs reported used the movie to “lure in as many victims as possible.”
ReasonLabs said that the malware was “likely from a Russian torrenting site.” It took over the would-be Spider-Man movie watchers’ computers without setting off Windows Defender and with the goal of cryptomining in the background for the bad actors’ benefit.
How does a video file contain malware. Or are people running exe files to watch a video?
MP5 I think. All the weapons in half life were very satisfying to use.
Nice explanation. However I’d argue the bottom right panel is different because the right hand door is the back door of the car, and therefore, different to frames 2 and 3. Though it is kinda stretching it …
/ /\\ /\\ /
They look really smart, and with adjustable brightness too. I think good lamps make a room much more cosy in the evening.
A country with no department of education … I realise they’re devolving some of it to state level, but wow.
What did you get?
What about endless scrolling, that always helps too
Lol, a little confusion over language here it seems. I assume English is a second language for you?
I don’t doubt your experiences. However I worry about things like Pressreader that require a subscription or any sort of DRM or security.
I have the meebook 7 and mostly use Moon reader.
Sex scandals and foreign policy failures don’t only beleaguer the modern politician, it turns out: in the early second century, the scholar Suetonius chronicled the dramas of the first set of Roman emperors, and now, their indiscretions and eccentricities have been dug up in a new translation which is proving popular in bookshops.
The Lives of the Caesars, translated from Latin by The Rest Is History podcast co-host Tom Holland, made the Sunday Times hardback nonfiction chart this week. Publisher Penguin Classics said that the book is the first of their hardback nonfiction classics to appear on the list.
Then find a different workshop/forum/launcher to pair with the Steam store
In no world is it worse than what we have now
States there is nothing worse. Can’t provide a single example of something better.
I think flu shots protect the elderly more. So more govt savings on social security, and the next generation can be brought up as loyal trumpians.
Sounds like a free market proponent.
Can I give the classic example of US healthcare where for very minor benefits, the absolute richest can afford to have great healthcare whilst everyone else seems to be crippled (financially) by even minor ailments.
But the industry is worth billions, the line goes ever up, and the shareholders are happy. Just fuck the customer.
Name an example of a better workshop, I’ve used nexus mods and it’s a complicated mess that requires a subscription to get normal download speeds for content created for free by other people
Because each independent section would try to make more money and end up breaking things and adding new shit users don’t want but marketing execs think are good.
More like rats not joining a leaking ship. I’ve been through enough windows upgrades to know: Don’t be the first! You’ll only end up paying to be a software tester for a product MS had to ship before it’s ready to keep the shareholders happy.
Don’t be the first one in the water after the shark warning …
Podcasts are thinking for people who can’t read.
I’m making a rather cruel joke, but I do find some friends who struggle (lazy / busy, I’m not sure why) to read a news article I might share with them and, who will share with me some 20 sec Instagram clip with the words flashing up with Peterson or Rogan “slamming”, “owning”, “destroying” the libs. A quick Google usually dispels the quote or shows that the subject is not so simple.
I should also add I do listen to podcasts and radio and there’s nothing wrong with both.
What’s the side quest for Elon; being on stage for the republicans or trying to get to Mars?