It’s also a matter of motivations. I’m not saying nonprofit status confers automatic trustworthiness, but they are missing the major incentives for sensationalism that for-profit outlets are.
The purpose of those publications is to make sure they’re distributed as widely as possible to sell ads
Agree: For-profit journalism has screwed-up incentives. Not-for-profit journalism does tend to be different.
Personally I feel I manage to still stay informed, since anything of real importance will break through my block list anyway.
So you’re relying on those around you to keep you informed, despite blocking news on social media and not reading news yourself? Bold choice.
I have been converting my money into Euros, with the assumption that America as we knew it is going to die horribly within years. Hopefully, my efforts are pragmatic, not paranoid. 😕
Hopefully, your efforts are paranoid, not pragmatic.
(Not blaming you for how you’re coping/preparing, just not personally ready to give up on our country yet) The past is useful because history rhymes, but the future isn’t written in stone
Downloading the .deb from the website is very hard? Not being sarcastic, hoping to understand
Makes me think of XKCD 927: Standards
Idk, I think it’s pretty unlikely “many other people” are modifying and using LTSC edition Windows for personal use.
Based on your interactions with others, it seems like you’re feeling attacked here, so I don’t necessarily expect a reply but thought I’d ask anyway– What changes have you made to enable what you’re describing?
When I looked into them, a lot of people seem to speak highly of Shokz/aftershokz. I haven’t used them so can’t make a personal recommendation.
One thing to note is that if you want them for swimming you need to get ones with built in storage bc Bluetooth can’t really penetrate water
A year’s worth of floss picks is the same amount of plastic as just a couple of bottles/containers. If you feel bad about the plastic waste but can’t find an alternative, you can always focus on getting fewer single-use plastic containers.
There are also wooden ones; still making trash but at that point it’s equivalent to a bad toothpick habit lol
Do you know the product name?
There are also wooden floss picks out there, for those who don’t have a printer but want to use less plastic.
I don’t see them as scroll bar replicas; good ones are very narrow but high contrast, to easily offer a compact visual sense of article length – rather than page length, an important distinction when there are cited sources, recommended articles, and a footer menu. Different functions.
IMO, they should coexist with a well-designed vertical scroll bar.
Say more about the shady turn for RPi?
Haven’t kept up with them for years but that seems like important info
You buy a fifth a week?..