biblically accurate samsung galaxy s24
biblically accurate samsung galaxy s24
kissinger’s death recently has led me to understand a few things. your hard right republicans pretrump are realpolitik. they want america on top no matter the cost. MAGA is a grift that’s all about squeezing every penny out of the hyper-religious and or uneducated and or fascists. they don’t care where america comes out in the end. cheney(s) et al want america on top no matter the cost. MAGA wants themselves on top no matter the cost. project for the new american century is USA USA USA no matter the morals. MAGA is we’re number 1 (but just us not you)
the only truth to the headline is the increasingly part - and it’s because of articles like this.
such a great channel. discovered it with the knot video but he has so many interesting things to learn about.
and what a cool hobby/skill/profession to have these days.
also thought it was a brilliant way to get ‘goddamn’ broadcast uncensored.
if anyone’s interested in some further reading / contextual information on this article / conflict specifically (or conflict generally):
“a fart is a turd honking for the right of way”
Correction. Shareholder Income is at stake.
you do it with massive funding to public education for generations.
which is why massive first amendment violations are more likely
Alito […] was reduced to incoherence himself
…huh…didn’t expect that from such a distinguished jurist
who are you, Winston Smith, that’s so important…
i’ve just gained mine
of course GC/BC is a metaphor. ACAB. and they aren’t elected to help us but to represent us. they fail, but like i said, one side is rushing to put everything to an end and the other is at least making a poor showing of keeping up the pretense.
i think a lot of people misunderstand positive vs negative rights. the US Constitution doesn’t grant rights. the Declaration of Independence declared all are endowed with rights by a creator. that is the origin of our rights - inalienable. the Constitution doesn’t grant anything. it establishes the structure of a federal government, and the amendments to that guarantee what already exists in the Declaration. it limits power of an authority over a person.
a very divisive example is arms. the Constitution doesn’t grant americans the right to keep and bear arms. it limits the government from prohibiting such.
of course…this is the intent not necessarily the reality
also the lack of critical thinking of this argument is so astounding i didn’t even notice it at first…no freedom from religion…which…one? which version of that one…? the constitution - which compels nothing but the government - can…compel americans to all be…uh - jehovah’s witnesses? mormons? sunni? bahai?
good cop bad cop.
no. i do not mean both sides are the same. one side wants the status quo to remain but isn’t taking seriously the fact that their bad cop partner is going to take them both down. maybe because they’re all as fucking old as possible.
i am not sure i’m comfortable with expressing a desire to string anyone up but i agree that when WEAREALLDOMESTICTERRORISTS isn’t a statement that grinds this whole shitshow to a halt and we examine wtf is going on in the US … then wtf are people doing?
if you’re going through florida, keep going