I’m kind of bewildered by it, like there wasn’t any expectations but this is the sort of thing a creatively spent band would do, one of their best (imo) albums came out last year they absolutely could’ve passed on this. I’m hoping they at least put on a dogshit show, “Corporate magazines still suck” on Rolling Stone type move.
Blessed with the knowledge of r/nofap, he can finally install Linux Mint.
Putting pure diesel into a clearly labelled petrol V8 type situation
It’s impressive how they know enough to use Stack Exchange for questions like this but not enough that removing SystemD is like ripping someones heart out on most distros.
Maybe only slightly related but I’m lucky to have fallen into the habit of only using foss software for basically everything (GIMP, Kdenlive, OBS, Shutter Encoder, Upscayl etc) cuz all of them have at least one mean of getting downloaded on Linux natively.
stupid horse faintly plays from the laptop speakers in the background vibin
When all I was playing was browser games and Minecraft like 10 years ago
And then it turns out Party Cannon is the most hardcore of them all
The threading alone makes it the only Mastodon client worthwhile imo
That’s how I see Threads at the moment, an opportunity for on-ramping to better platforms is better than nothing. The problem is hoping Meta doesn’t compromise on the transition function if a user wants to leave.
For me it was just good timing since my ATH-M50x broke after 3 years of heavy use and they’re actually kind of expensive, not flat but AutoEQ helped.
Just got a pair of Porta Pros, I’m messing around with mods which will probably eat my wallet but at least I’m not shelling 200 bucks just for a cable lmao
Found this note on ProtonDB that recommends Proton-GE and some tweaks such as setting launch options to gamemodecmd %command%
and maybe 120 fps as a cap, some other notes are suggesting the latest Halo Infinite update might’ve affected performance a bit.
I don’t block often, but I do mute often, purely for the mental image of someone shittalking into a void.