Thanks for doing the critical thinking for me
Thanks for doing the critical thinking for me
I very much hated working on hinge damage.
deleted by creator
I recommend the reverse. Me bad at study but good at jerk
Hire as many glorified bean counters as you can to run your business…into the ground.
It’s kinda like supporting them but as long as the browser isn’t force feeding me ads, stealing my data, or trying to get rid of ad blockers, I’ll live with it. Definitely don’t want to get rid of Firefox but I’m having a hard time understanding why shit like this article is happening at a non profit.
Nope, google sucks at everything. Plenty of other browsers though that are based on chromium and hopefully not as shit as chrome. I’d need to do some research.
couple of commas, even if used incorrectly, would have helped me a lot.
Sounds like some MBA bros and broettes infected the company. I’ll stick with it now but it’s easy as fuck to change browsers these days
So no one spoke up or no one listened to guy who said “this is a bad idea, no one really trusts us”
is this why jerking off is good for the balls and by extension, the prostate? someone should study that shit
any movie with ben afleck in it
Kids aren’t starving anymore if they’re dead. Fuck Netanyahu and fuck Israel
I always liked it when he appeared in something. Some actors are just that way.
In case you are ever near the giant clock, you can look at the giant clock and know the time. This will go on until at least the end of humanity. Also, Bezos is stupid and probably insane.
Catbirds are so damn sleek looking
My brother has a lot of dumb redneck friends. The racist thing and whatever else Fox spews out is all they care about. Hell, only a few of them listen to Fox news and the ones that don’t just listen to whatever the person who watches it says. They’re so fucking stupid that I feel the embarrassment they should feel whenever I’m in ear shot of their bullshit.
This fuckin guy! He should do stand-up or clown school.
in my opinion, minus Atom Heart, those are all objectively great albums. But taste is a subjective thing so not liking them makes sense.