Evil d4 >:3
Any pronouns
Evil d4 >:3
It’s commonly used just that way in a lot of languages without replacing it since the meaning or rather connotation can also get lost when translating it easily.
Did they seriously translate Inshallah/Mashallah?
Come on I write way more unhinged shit >:3
New bottom surgery just dropped!
Buy Linux How? Like he could buy individual OSs like Redhat or Ubuntu maybe but Linux :o ?
This website actually asked me if I wanted to share personal informstion with them and their 1.5k partners :o
Also they cite this Reuters article which is basically the same article and you should read instead.
Maybe it’s just me but I get pretty autistic vibes from this!
Sounds a lot like Kant with his morality of principals to me.
Tbf every time is the best time to switch to Firefox
VLC Media player is still the best way to watch a video.
Rave against the machine!
“Firefox” ~ Joe "Firefox~ Biden
Firefox is better than Chromium.
How’d you get internet working?