I think hundreds of millions to billions is more accurate.
I think hundreds of millions to billions is more accurate.
Deepthroat that boot, colonizer
I get the sentiment, but I don’t like when people joke about suicide. It doesn’t offend me. If anything, I think it should fuel you to keep alive and fight
Very fair points.
I still feel like no matter how you slice it, there needs to be some kind of preparation. But I can’t argue against your solid points.
I mostly agree with your 2nd and 3rd points, but my thinking is that eventually, the state is poised at moment’s notice to crack down on it’s opponents, especially communists.
I’m not saying that we all go looking for a fight, and I understand the power that “optics” unfortunately has.
The fascist state cracks down on people who aren’t a threat all the time. Now when we are an actual threat, imagine what the state will do. We need to be prepared for anything and everything, or we’ve already lost.
It’s alright, comrade.
I understand that, too. Even words of support are just words.
You have very fair points, and I’m 99 percent sure that you didn’t mean what you said literally, but more so the overall sentiment, and I figured this was moreso what you meant.
I mostly agree.
I would like to see the Ukrainian SSR come back, but alot of things would have to change first.
Ah, mysticism and music. I find gnosticism fascinating.
Fair point, I feel stupid for assuming otherwise lol.
That would be the smartest thing to do, and I’m sure Russia has something like that in mind.
I live and breathe video games, and I like cop and superhero-related movies and series.
I also get how you feel about money.
I understand your fears and concerns, but I think you are slightly overreacting. Even with the inventions of better A.I. and robotics, there will still be more jobs created eventually. Supervision and improvement of A.I. and robotics, new industries that previously may not have been possible.
The Chinese government has been very clear, that at least for now, robots/A.I. won’t completely replace human labor or thinking, just supplement it.
For what it’s worth, if you need someone to talk to, I’m always here.
While I understand your tone and sentiment, I think you are being very unfair towards Ukrainians, even if alot of them brought it on themselves.
For almost as long as the war has been going on, but especially within the past 1-2 years, I’ve read reports that Ukrainian civilians will often fight back and attempt to rescue loved ones from being kidnapped by UkraNazi militias, and there have bene numerous cases of Ukrainians banding together to kill Ukrainian “recruiters” and conscriptors.
I don’t agree at all that Ukrainian nationalism is the opposite of self-determination. The actual Ukrainian self-determination supporters begged for Russia’s help.
I totally understand that alot of Ukrainians are/were violent, dangerous, white supremacist NATO-bootlicking, evil nutjobs. But it’s important to remember that Ukraine has been systematically psychologically collectively been abused and gaslit by decades of Nazi-Aligned Terrorist Organization propaganda.
I don’t think (I’m not saying that you think this, I’m just elaborating) that you can blame Ukrainians completely for the crimes of their government, even though there is alot of truth in that.
And unlike Israel, Ukraine has millennia, or at least multiple centuries, of history before it was part of Russia. Even though yes, Ukraine was often considered to be Russian territory.
I think that Ukraine has a right to exist, unlike Isn’treal, and I don’t view Ukraine as an inherently settler-colonialist project, and there is a very real different, albeit similar in alot of aspects, than from Russian culture.
I won’t shed any particularly heavy tears of if Ukraine ceases altogether to exist, but I really don’t think that the high-jacking and colonialist appropriation of actual Ukrainian nationalism should justify the claim that Ukraine is inherently as artificial as Israel.
Eh, I think it’s slightly disingenuous to say that Ukrainians didn’t fight for self-determination. But I’m not accusing you of being a liar or ignorant, I understand that you were very much generalizing and speaking hyperbolically, and I totally get the sentiment of what you mean.
I think it’s more accurate to say that any Ukrainians who did fight for actual self-determination were slandered and branded as public enemies, disappeared or murdered, bought off, or shunned and displaced. Which created a chilling effect and intensified conflict and suffering.
I feel like, unless you’re fleeing the U.S./Global North to China, Russia, Cuba, Nicaragua (or wherever you are), you open yourself up to international sanctions and prosecution by fleeing before you are forced to pay your loans.
I’m skeptical of alot of Matta’s claims, given that he seems to be more of a reich-wing interloper than an actual independent journalist. He seems like a Pizzagate nutjob fascist kind of guy, from what I’ve read.
But at the same time, I’m slightly surprised that some of his claims are independently corroborated.
Not that I like Biden or democrats, or that the democrats aren’t equally as corrupt as rethuglicans. Of course they are.
I’m also not surprised that the U.S. is interfering in Guatemala.
I’m 99 percent sure that these Eurocrakkkers will never learn anything. They are base, evil creatures. The only things they understand are fear and power.