Look at the track again, the whole thing
Why does it say 8 comments but there are only like 2?
“tankies” are a meme for obvious reasons.
I’m gonna be blunt here, your refusal to use real examples is sus at best
Is this loss?
Talk of “manufacturing” and “inventing” suggests an imposition over and against the individual’s will. I believe that, on the contrary, the process of Western propaganda is better understood in terms of “licensing”: the issuing of moral license for the bourgeois proletariat to profitably go along with bourgeois designs without the feeling of shame overwhelming. In this alternative account people aren’t “brainwashed” insofar as they don’t actually believe the lies, not in the way that we generally understand belief. It’s more correct to say that they go along with them, whether enthusiastically or apprehensively, because it’s actually their optimal survival strategy. When we concede that the time horizon and scope of responsibility within which we all make our decisions varies, it becomes much easier to see how their choice could be smart and intelligent. The enlightened critic can plead that if we all agreed to denounce the status quo in unison we’d be immensely rewarded, but the average worker in the first world cannot be accused of naiveté for preferring to keep a low profile, particularly after being subject — very often by that same critic — to so many grim stories of murder and of punishment and of how any attempt at radical change always goes awry.
Masses, Elites, and Rebels: The Theory of “Brainwashing” (2022)
Is that instance called “lemmy.wtf” because that’s what people say when they read a comment from anyone who is from there?
Uhhh I don’t think you are using the same definition of “Reddit atheism” that the rest of us are.
Sounds like demand avoidance to me
Literally everything westoids believe about DPRK is based purely on vibes and racist South Park bits
Liberals and Fascists - name a better duo
and much better and humane prisions for sure.
Source: I made it the fuck up
Same. I think we need to expropriate the term from the lib/fash.
…socialist revolution is neither easy (as the Trotskyists and ultraleftists would have it) nor impossible (as the liberals and conservatives would have it), but hard. It will require dedication and sacrifice and it won’t be won in a day. Tankies are those people who think the millions of communists who fought and died for socialism in the twentieth century weren’t evil, dupes, or wasting their time, but people to whom we owe a great deal and who can still teach us a lot.
Or, to put it another way: socialism has powerful enemies. Those enemies don’t care how you feel about Marx or Makhno or Deleuze or communism in the abstract, they care about your feelings towards FARC, the Naxals, Cuba, North Korea, etc. They care about your position with respect to states and contenders-for-statehood, and how likely you are to try and emulate them. They are not worried about the molecular and the rhizomatic because they know that those things can be brought back into line by the application of force. It’s their monopoly on force that they are primarily concerned to protect. When you desert real socialism in favor of ideal socialism, the kind that never took up arms against anybody, you’re doing them a favor.
There are two wolves inside you
Wow I think that might have also been from the first episode of chapo I listened to, after being drawn into/r/cth and wondering what the podcast was about